Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch Forum

Freezer Bowl Fridays — March 2025 Schedule
Magnet Dood • March. 3, 2025, 6:39 PM
Magnet Dood Administrator
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
March. 3, 2025, 6:40 PM (Edited by Magnet Dood) Copy Link
Ice Cold Servers™ presents...
In collaboration with Sonicfam Studios © and Cutmanmike Pictures™...

Freezer Bowl Fridays

Hey, you!
Yeah, you!
Interested in all the modes 8-Bit Deathmatch has to offer?
Tired of seeing the same empty servers week in and week out?
Looking for a fun way to spend your Friday nights?
Then come and compete in The Freezer Bowl!

Welcome to the second month of Freezer Bowl Fridays!

This project is a collaboration between Trillster and myself to generate a community run gaming night in 8-Bit Deathmatch! Each week on Friday nights, we'll select a game mode or mod to host and run a server with it. If you've been wanting to scratch your itch for vanilla, have seen a cool mod you want to play with others, or even if you're brand-new to the game, this is the perfect opportunity to sit down, relax, and join the fun!

Each month, I'll put up a thread with a schedule showcasing what will be hosted each Friday. Trillster will make event threads in 8BDM's Discord server corresponding to each week.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support this endeavor last month for our launch, even when we had some technical glitches. Looking forward to seeing you again this month! Check out the events below!

Allanx Inc Co-Owner, yuh. I also like cats.
Allanx Inc Co-Owner, yuh. I also like cats.
March. 3, 2025, 7:20 PM Copy Link
way cooler schedule but the "So Mega" is showing
Magnet Dood Administrator
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
March. 4, 2025, 12:22 AM Copy Link
ThéophileCaceres said:
way cooler schedule but the "So Mega" is showing

What does this mean?
Allanx Inc Co-Owner, yuh. I also like cats.
Allanx Inc Co-Owner, yuh. I also like cats.
March. 4, 2025, 2:09 AM Copy Link
Magnet Dood said:
ThéophileCaceres said:
way cooler schedule but the "So Mega" is showing

What does this mean?

so retro but for megamans... (ex: you cannot combine both of these weapons in XW)
Magnet Dood Administrator
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
March. 4, 2025, 1:24 PM Copy Link
Ah, I get you. Admittedly, these schedules are supposed to give a general idea of what the mod or gamemode is. I'm not always going to aim for 100% mod/game accuracy- after all, Search Snake isn't on MM4DUS- especially if I have a funny idea in mind for it. Frankly, putting Hard Man in a fusion dance pose was too good to pass on. (Plus it's a reference to one of 8BDM's most infamous weapon combos in vanilla back in ye olde version 1 days!)

These are just little sprite comics I put together in my free time that I hope get a laugh out of people. Don't take them too seriously!