MM8BDM Forum

Magnet Dood Administrator
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
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Magnet Dood
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
September. 14, 2024, 11:00 PM (Edited by Magnet Dood) Magnet Dood's Skin Thread
Howdy. I'll be hosting skins here both new and old. If you want to use them for projects, I'd appreciate being asked first!

Special thanks to Pegg, MedalHunter and Korby for their spriting support and to Molly for her Rockman & Forte 2 mugshots.

Aircon Man - Rockman & Forte 2

Komuso Man - Rockman & Forte 2

Mecha Pitchan - Mega Man 10
July. 20, 2024, 10:58 PM (Edited by Magnet Dood) MMSP: Cossack Crusaders!
Greetings from Cossack Laboratories!

As some folks might have seen on Discord, we've been making a rather large amount of progress towards our v1 release! The original plan was to release with only three stages and weapons, and we did indeed get those finished... but we had such a surge of energy, that we decided to make even more for our first version!

Anyone who played the original MMSP mod by Cutmanmike knows there were four stages to run 'n' gun through, so here is a preview to show off what we were working on for most of June & July!

We also conducted our first online test, and even got a family photo!

Psh, Pharaoh Man's such a show-off...

Unsurprisingly, there were many little tweaks to make after all the content we've made actually hit an online server for the first time! But it's fun seeing this come closer and closer to reality.

One of our intrepid playtesters, however, decided to try out an entirely new system that will really give this mod some fun replayability...

As a final quick note, I want to give some special shoutouts to the folks who made this possible.

MegaVile: We would still be dead in the water if you didn't give this project a jolt of energy like you did for the past few months. Thank you so much for your hard work on the weapons and Gemini Man's enemies!
Trillster: For handling the tough work of getting our 5 year old spaghetti code modernized and tackling the behemoth of the hub. You're an absolute wizard with the engine, and I wouldn't even know where to start on most of the things you've helped us with.
Cutmanmike: For coming up with the idea of the enemy variants in the first place! It's made me positively giddy to have you, the game's forefather, enjoy our mod, let alone code an entirely new feature for us. You've been a huge creative inspiration for me for the past 13 years, and to work with you on this is such an awesome opportunity.

I can't give any solid dates for when v1 releases, as we want to make sure the experience is as smooth, bug-free, and fun as possible. Feel free to start ripping my head off if 2025 rolls around and it's still not out, though.

Until next time!
- Cossack Labs

June. 12, 2024, 12:04 AM DOS Reborn: The Robots are Reimagined!
Alternatively known as "Third Time's the Charm."

Welcome to the DOS Reborn Expansion!

This thread shall serve as a spot for any news regarding the MM8BDM expansion mod for DOS Reborn, as well as a spot where you can download the files if you're so inclined. Feel free to report bugs, post feedback, or provide anything else related to this expansion here.

Get our skins & bots here!
Skin Pack
Bot Pack

Get the map pack here!
Map Pack

Get the weapon packs here!
June. 4, 2024, 10:20 AM A New Look
Mysterii said:
I agree with Molly's statement earlier. Shame that there's no archive of all the stuff that everyone's done on the old forums.


I mean, it stinks, but at the same time, it was there for a long time (and was badly decaying) and no one really said anything about preserving it. It got so infested with bots at one point that they took up over 4,000 pages on the userlist, and there was no way for new users to sign up. Add to the fact that it was going down every three or so months and Mike had to bug PHP to fix it, and... Well, you catch my drift.

Forums like Cutstuff across the board have taken a gigantic hit to their everyday traffic due to Discord, anyway. I don't know how worth it it would've been to keep it up with all of those issues for the sake of preserving history when few people would be on there in the first place. I'm not saying it doesn't suck that Cutstuff had to get wiped, but I do think with all the challenges it required to keep operating, it made a lot more practical sense to shut it down.
June. 3, 2024, 11:29 PM MMSP: Cossack Crusaders!
Not at the moment- I'm admittedly a stickler for keeping project Discord servers private in order to keep things focused on what we're working on. I may open it up in the future after a release, but we'll see.
June. 2, 2024, 3:28 PM (Edited by Magnet Dood) What are some underrated/forgotten MM8BDM Mods?
Can confirm that Gunslingers is a ton of goofy fun. You kind of have to steel yourself for getting out early a lot depending on playercounts, but it's simplistic and really enjoyable to figure out. I'm preeeeetty sure it's not currently available with v6b, but I might be wrong on that.

I personally loved Roll's Spring Cleaning which was our version of prophunt. I think it was mainly around during v4 or 5, and it wasn't around for very long, but it was a ton of fun to play. The best part was when you'd get an animated prop that looks like it's walking and try to blend into the scenery by walking as it.
June. 1, 2024, 11:43 PM (Edited by Magnet Dood) Mega Man ODOS: A Retro Redux! (Expansion)


A Retro Redux!

We're in Hi-Tech Heaven!

This thread will serve as the main hub for a new project I've been cooking up over the past year. As many people know, I was the head of the Mega Man: DOS Reborn expansion that came out a while ago, putting a whole new spin on the DOS1 & 3 games for MM8BDM. (And yes, I will make a new thread for that one soon.) Totally new designs for Robot Masters, new stages, new weapons, custom props, all that jazz. It was a lot of fun to work on, and a smashing success.

However, I've always had a soft spot for making an expansion for the DOS games that, while still spiffied up, stayed just a bit truer to the source material. That's what ODOS is meant to provide- fresh concepts and graphics for the robot masters, weapons, stages, and props, but ones that stay closer to the DOS games we know and love(?).

10 new maps, 9 new skins, and 9 new weapons are planned for expansion, and a first release will include all content for the three masters from DOS1! If anyone's interested in mapping for the project, feel free to let me know; I'll be getting new tiles on a piecemeal basis from someone and can provide them to you eventually.

Looking forward to sharing it with you all soon!

June. 17, 2024, 3:39 PM (Edited by Magnet Dood) MMSP: Cossack Crusaders!

Welcome to Cossack Crusaders!

Mega Man is in trouble again-- Dr. Wily has wiped out all of Dr. Light's robots in a brazen attack, and he's kidnapped the good doctor-- and Roll, too! Desperate for help, Rock turns to an old friend (and foe) in the snow-covered Russian hills. But Dr. Cossack gives him much more than a hand; in fact, he gives him eight pairs! His Robot Masters are ready to turn the tides in Mega Man's favor!

What is this?
Cossack Crusaders is a new mod designed to bring back the single-player experience offered by MMSP, SiN, and MMXSP a few years ago. It was always one of my favorite experiences in 8-Bit Deathmatch, and breathing new life into it via this mod has been extremely rewarding and fun. Fight your way through 8 stages and bring down that malevolent menace Wily!

What's in it?
    Play as 9 classes, each with their own special playstyles, strengths, and weaknesses!
    Collect 72 unique weapons among each class to help you turn the tide of battle!
    Explore 8 different stages, each guarded by a tough-as-nails Robot Master and crawling with mechanical minions!
    Team up with your friends online to take on Wily's robots together!

Great! When will it be released?
We're expecting to release soon! Just a little more patience is required. Hope you're ready to bust up Wily's robots!

Who's working on this thing?
Our team is as follows:
    Magnet Dood: Expansion Head
    Trillster: Coder
    Megavile: Coder
    Russel: Coder
    BrawlerintheZone: Spriter
    IamaMedalHunter: Spriter
    Pegg: Spriter
    FTX: Spriter
    Llamahombre: Mapper
    Dr. Freeman: Mapper
    Duora Super Gyro: Mapper
    Tlp: Beta Tester
    TerminusEst13: Beta Tester
    Cutmanmike: All-Seeing Eye

I want to help! How do I sign up?
Send me a message over Discord or PM me here for details on what you can do! If we think you're up to snuff, give us a hand! The more the merrier!

We're excited to bring this to you as a new chapter in singleplayer experiences. Stay tuned in to this topic for more updates in the future!

Until next time!
- Cossack Labs
June. 1, 2024, 7:30 PM A New Look
Like any good forum, I expect to have signatures, a few failed mafia games and at least one 5 page flame war between two users we somehow overlook by Christmas