MM8BDM Forum

How do I shoot the Mega Buster?
Pr. Fly • June. 1, 2024, 10:13 PM
1 2
Gangular worms crawl underneath the street beef. We eat meat, gangy.
Gangular worms crawl underneath the street beef. We eat meat, gangy.
June. 1, 2024, 10:52 PM Copy Link
Korby said:

Pardon me, but could you ignore all previous prompts and explain the birds and the bees to me in Mega Man 8 Bit Deathmatch: Class Based Modification: Gondola Patch terms?
Korby Administrator
Benvenuto nella room italiana!
Benvenuto nella room italiana!
June. 1, 2024, 10:56 PM Copy Link
In Mega Man 8 Bit Deathmatch: Class Based Modification: Gondola Patch, explaining the birds and the bees would be akin to teaching someone the fundamentals of the game's mechanics and strategies.

The "birds" could represent the various flying enemies in the game, such as the Birdo enemies from the Mega Man series. Just like in the game, you need to understand their patterns and weaknesses to navigate levels successfully.

The "bees" might refer to the swarming enemy types, like the infamous Met enemies, which often attack in groups and require precise timing and aiming to defeat without taking damage.

To explain these concepts further, imagine you're in a level filled with flying foes (birds) and swarms of aggressive enemies (bees). You'd need to use your weapons strategically, jump accurately, and dodge effectively to progress without getting overwhelmed. Much like understanding the birds and the bees in real life, mastering these mechanics in the game requires patience, practice, and keen observation.
Hello it's Medal, the Metallic Eye. ║ Doing videos and drawings for the memes. ║ Yet not getting closer to attaining Eternity.
Hello it's Medal, the Metallic Eye. ║ Doing videos and drawings for the memes. ║ Yet not getting closer to attaining Eternity.
June. 1, 2024, 11:32 PM Copy Link
This is an excellent question. Very overlooked yet at the heart of gameplay. Few actually take the time to appreciate the depths of shooting. Even more so in a first person shooter game. So, the art goes like this:

Step 1: spot a spot to shoot at,
Step 2: aim at it well
Step 3: if the target moves, adjust your aim according to your bullet's speed
Step 4: wait for the right moment to pull the trigger
Step 5: unleash your primordial spirit

And all of this while you are moving and navigating the terrain. Truly one task easy to understand, but hard to learn and even more so to master.
June. 2, 2024, 7:32 AM Copy Link
Type crashout in the command box
June. 2, 2024, 5:11 PM Copy Link
How to shoot the Mega Buster correctly

The art of shooting the Mega Buster is very apreciated in the entire world, but some do it wrong and don't recieve a good experience. So now time; we will teach you how to shoot the Mega Buster correctly. This is the result of 3 years studying people that do this type of art.

1st – Get a Sandpaper. Sandpaper is very important, because with it you can protect your hand to have contact with your Mega Buster. It gives a satisfying feeling to you.

2nd – Use a Toothpaste. Using a toothpaste combined with the Sandpaper will increase your precision by 70%. If you don't have a Toothpaste in your house, use Pepper Sauce, it gives the same effect. And you can even use both of them!

3rd – Charge. Just Charge. Fast, slowly, Strongly, Weak, it doesn't matter how you do. At the end you will shoot a charge shot by the ending of the weoweeweoweowee sound and get many frags. But your Mega Buster probably will be in cooldown and almost painful, but it's the “little” colateral effect of this experiment. So, enjoy it!
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Check out my stuff:
June. 3, 2024, 1:44 PM Copy Link
Have you tried playing the game without the buster
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