Not quite a asset, but a list of undocumented Zandronum things which modders should be aware of
To start with a easy one...
-Trying to spawn CLIENTSIDEONLY actors from a CustomInventory will not work online
-CustomInventory can be used to sync ammo bars from client to server, even on redundant operations like a TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("GenericAmmo",1) TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("GenericAmmo",1), a useful tool for dealing with bar desyncs
-Doing this in a weapon can be used to force it to sync it's state to the server:
TNT1 A 1 A_Jump(256,2)
TNT1 A 0
-Using CallACS inside a A_JumpIf on a weapon will be delayed online, possibly causing desync depending on what you're using it for
More things will be added to the list as I remember them, feel free to share your discoveries in the replies as well.
Hotfix 9 is out, here's the changes compared to the previous release:
= General
Extra copyweapons removed from non robot masters (sad)
Boss morph item now requires more frags: 12 > 16
= Duo
Thirdire thrust reduced > 90 > 80
Thirdfire now rapidly thrusts you downwards
= Guts Man
Mainfire sped up by 4 tics
Altfire cost decreased: 32 ammo > 28
= Pharaoh Man
Previous shield nerfs reverted
Shield counter shot no longer homes in
Shield counter shot speeds increased by 20
= Toad Man
Ultimate duration increased: 10 seconds > 16 seconds
= Skull Man
Barrier cooldown now also applies when the barrier is broken
= Dark Man 3
Mainfire now regains ammo on hit again
Mainfire damage decreased:9 > 8
Mainfire now uses FastProjectile inherit
Altfire damage increased: 3 > 20
Altfire now has meatshot protection
= Centaur Man
Ult tier increased: Medium > Medium long
Can no longer use two enemy assists at once
= Slash Man
Wall cling mainfire damages reduced: 40 > 30 (uncharged), 60 > 50 (charged)
Wall cling mainfire now applies a cooldown for altfire as well
Charged Wall cling mainfire now leaves slash man tired: 50% slowdown for one second
Ultimate stun time reduced: 6 seconds > 3 seconds
= Junk Man
Health tier reduced: Tank (167) > High (137)
= Concrete Man
Fully charged mainfire now has 100% hitstun
Mainfire can now solidify the Magma Man lava hazard
= Magma Man
Freelook reverted from ultimate
= Strike Man
Grounded Altfire armor reduced: 75% > 50%
= Acid Man
Barrier recoded: no longer pops instantly to rippers
A balance patch for V-Classes! with focus on minimizing frustrating aspects of the original mod and overall quality of life improvements. This is also used by the original developers as a way to test the waters with future changes, reworks etc, so any feedback is very much appreaciated.
= Discord Link:
Patch created by Ze Robotico
Mobility moves no longer work when truly frozen (moves like Centaur Flash that fully take away your control)
Mobility moves are now affected by certain debuffs:
PowerShock (pretty much any quake move with the sparkman shock effect) (50% slowdown)
Time Man's thirdfire and ultimate (33%/66% slowdown)
Venus's thirdfire (50% slowdown)
Dive Man's ultimate (90% slowdown)
Neptune's ultimate (50% slowdown)
Venus thirdfire (50% slowdown)
Ra Thor's ultimate (Mobility moves will go in the opposite direction)
Victims of grab attacks (with the exception of Frost Man's thirdfire) now receive a 75% damage reduction to other damage sources
Wall Rush moves now also work on solid objects (Stone Pillar, Caricarry, Mach Ball)
Afterburn attacks fixed (lmao)
Aerial moves now use a different code check, which should hopefully stop aerial versions from coming out on stairs
Boss morph item now requires more frags: 12 > 16
Terminator intro animations now cause damage
Score board now shows all classes present in the match
= Copyweapon classes
New weapons added:
- Magnet Beam, replaces Laser Buster in maps
- Super Arrow, replaces Arrow Buster in maps
= Mega Man
Charged shot damage decreased: 40 > 30
Mega Upper damage increased: 7 > 11 (total damage: 21 > 33)
Gear end cooldown reduced: 8 seconds > 5 seconds
= Duo
Thirdire thrust reduced > 90 > 80
Thirdfire now rapidly thrusts you downwards
Fixed mugshot border appearing even when mugshots are disabled
= Dr.Wily
Assist now gives a skull stock on kill
= Metool
Thirdfire now deletes item respawn visuals nearby
= Sniper Joe
Joe bullet speed increased: 35 > 45
Stocks gained on kill reduced: 3 > 1
Now has a hud animation when shieldless
= Cut Man
Mainfire is now a flat 20 damage
Assist now gives the surprise bonus on kill
Ultimate now has 24 stepheight
= Guts Man
Mainfire sped up by 4 tics
Mainfire and thirdfire no longer use ammo
Altfire ammo cost increased: 14 > 28
Thirdfire now has a 6 second cooldown upon throwing the rock
Can no longer aim during ult altfire
Ult duration reduced: 25 seconds > 16 seconds
Jump height increased: 12 > 14
= Elec Man
Mainfire damage reduced: 24 > 21
Altfire sparks now have 3 tics of powerprotect
= Time Man
Mainfire sprites changed
Mainfire damage increased: 9 > 12
Altfire damage increased: 11 > 14
1 tic of startup removed from mainfire and altfire
2 tics of endlag removed from mainfire and altfire (this does not affect the fire rate when held)
Picking health capsules while being affected by Time Slow will heal very slowy as opposed to instantly
Ultimate now gives 25% armor
Enemy assist now snaps to aim center when launched with thirdfire
= Air Man
Air wall release damage decreased: 13 > 9
= Bubble Man
PB8 Bubbleman imported:
Increased damage debuff against Bubble Buster (1.5 > 2.5).
Bubble Trap now pops immediately and thrusts target away if target is damaged by Bubble Buster.
New thirdfire, Bubble Claw
- Summon a bubbled Claw. Inflicts small damage if target runs into bubble. Will pop after short period. Claw then chases after target for extra damage. Four can be active at a time. Depletes count once Claw vanishes.
New enemy assist, M445.
- Moves in a straight path for a moment before homing in on sighted target. Inflicts minor damage but will relentlessly chip away at
= Metal Man
Enemy assist now has 3 tics of powerprotection
= Heat Man
Now has contact damage while charging altfire
= Alien
Altfire gravity reduced: 3.0 > 2.0
Altfire spawner now leaves less gaps between drips
Level 6 armor: 0% > 20%
Now gives Item 1 - 3 when defeated by a copy weapon class
= Spark Man
Altfire now only cuts momentum, rather than stunning completely
= Top Man
Altfire attack icon now becomes red if the player cannot parry due to being hurt
parry box adjusted slighty (0 map units > 2 map units in front of the player)
Parrying your own thirdfire no longer fails if the player was hurt
= Hard Man
Ultimate projectile damage buffed: 15 > 20
= Magnet Man
Altfire now grants 25% armor
Ultimate startup reduced: 16 tics > 8 tics
Ultimate now reflects projectiles
= Shadow Man
Aerial altfire gives 6 thirdfire ammo per hit (maximum is 112)
Aerial altfire now stops moblity moves for 20 tics on hit
Caltrops damage increased: 3 > 8
Boosted caltrops damage increased: 6 > 11
Caltrops now have meatshot protection
Fixed a crash caused by dying during ultimate
Thirdfire now has the +CANTSEEK flag (homing attacks will not follow him while invisible)
Activating ultimate now instantly fills both ammo bars
Ultimate mainfire damage increased: 4 > 5
Ultimate altfire damage increased: 6 > 7
Ultimate altfire no longer retracts when touching the floor
= Doc Robot
Fixed bug that caused Crash Bomb mainfire to do more damage than intended
Heat Tackle can now be aimed vertically
Heat Tackle can now be cancelled by pressing thirdfire
Now gives Eddie Call when defeated by a copy weapon class
Time Stopper damage increased: 10 > 20
Time Stopper now breaks on hit
= Pharaoh Man
Shield counter shot no longer homes in
Shield counter shot speeds increased by 20
Altfire movement increased slightly: 0.8 powerspeed > 0.9 powerspeed
Enemy assist no longer has hitstun
= Dive Man
Mainfire charge time increased: 30 tics > 55 tics
Charged mainfire explosion nerfed: 25 > 16 (max damage: 37 > 28)
= Bright Man
Altfire grenade now splits on ceilings and walls
Altfire split shots no longer have a range limit
Altfire split shows now increase dagame to 5 after 6 tics of traveling
Re-blinding a enemy now spawns particle effects
Can only re-blind enemies once
Jump damage increases to 20 if opponent is blinded
Ultimate tier decreased: Medium long > Medium
= Ring Man
Enemy assist now has a cooldown between sucessful launches (it will damage but not launch during the cooldown)
Enemy assist timer fixed
= Toad Man
Uncharged mainfire max damage radius increased: 12 > 36
First charge mainfire damage increased: 6 > 7
Full charge mainfire damage is now split across 12 hits
Uncharged mainfire can now be used during the fail hit cooldown
Altfire ammo cost increased: 4 > 8
Altfre slowdown removed, now just breaks momentum of the victim
Ultimate area of effect no longer has hitstun
Ultimate duration reduced: 20 seconds > 16 seconds
Ultimate damage reduced: 4 > 3
Ultimate damage is now global
Ultimate no longer gives escaroo moves
Ultimate now pushes nearby enemies away from Toad Man
Ultimate 2x defense debuff removed
= Skull Man
Barrier cooldown now also applies when the barrier is broken
= Dust Man
Mainfire damage increased: 18 > 20
Can now synthfire to detonate mainfire early
= Napalm Man
Several hitboxes adjusted:
Mainfire: Radius 6, Height 8 > Radius 6, Height 25
Sprite offsets on these attacks adjusted to be more accurate as well
= Gyro Man
Mainfire no longer pushes targets
Mainfire endlag increased: 6 tics > 17 tics
Altfire damage decreased: 28 > 22
Ultimate altfire damage decreased: 70 > 60
Assist no longer targets allies in team modes
= Stone Man
Stone pillar spin now knocks solid obstacles:
Caricarry Cart
Concrete Shot
Mach Ball (Mega Water S assist)
= Wave Man
Assist duration reduced: 14 seconds > 5 seconds
= Gravity Man
Flip altfire now falls slightly faster
= Dark Man 1
Max health fire rate increased: 20 tics > 18 tics (same as having less than 91 health)
Enemy assist now has 3 tics of powerprotect
= Dark Man 3
Mainfire dammage increased: 7 > 8
Mainfire now uses FastProjectile inherit
Mainfire ammo now regens while using altfire
Damage bonus from hitting frozen targets removed
Altfire damage increased: 3 > 20
Altfire now has meatshot protection
Ultimate hitbox is now active during the falling as well
= Plant Man
Mainfire damages nerfed: 30 > 25 (projectile), 9 > 4(contact damage)
Mainfire now grants 25% armor
Fixed bug that caused turret flowers to disappear in contact with a ceiling
Thirdfire now runs on altfire ammo instead
Thirdfire can now be cancelled into other attacks
Thirdfire bullet speed increased: 40 > 50
Ult bugs fixed
Can no longer build ultimate ammo from ultimate turret flowers
Latched seed heal on allies reduced: 42 > 11
Pellets heal reduced on team modes: 20 > 11
= Blizzard Man
Altfire invincibility replaced with 50% armor
Altfire cooldown reduced: 8 seconds > 4 seconds
Ultimate tier raised: Short > Medium Short
= Flame Man
No longer collides with players during ultimate
= Centaur Man
PB8 changes imported:
- RIPPER flag removed from Centaur Buster.
- Centaur Flash effect tweaked. Taking damage while under the effect will unfreeze the target.
- While under Centaur Flash freeze, Centaur Arrow does 1.5x damage.
Charged arrow now gives stun protection for two seconds
Charged Mainfire stun reduced: 50 tics > 30 tics
Synthfire now charges faster: 60 tics > 20 tics
Split shots has been recoded to be a single hit ripper that deals 4 damage, going back to 10 damage after two tics
Buster Protection adjusted: x0.25 > x0.5
Extra layer of splits added to Centaur Buster (does not affect direct hits)
No longer regens altfire/thirdfire ammo while firing
Thirdfire no longer grants invincibility
Ult tier increased: Medium > Medium long
Can no longer use two enemy assists at once
= Cloud Man
Assist debuff duration reduced: 10 seconds > 5 seconds
= Turbo Man
Enemy assist now has a cooldown between sucessful launches
= Slash Man
Wall cling mainfire damages reduced: 40 > 30 (uncharged), 60 > 50 (charged)
Wall cling mainfire now applies a cooldown for altfire as well
Charged Wall cling mainfire now leaves slash man tired: 50% slowdown for one second
Ultimate stun time reduced: 6 seconds > 3 seconds
Ultimate now has full freeze by default
Ultimate now lets you aim a clone every few clones
Tamagodon assist can now be activated when holding altfire
Assist check for the blade attack is now more consistent
= Shade Man
Mainfire damage reduced: 40 > 35 (charged)
Flight Altfire damage reduced: 11 > 6, total: 66 > 36
Ultimate tier increased: Long (5) > Very Long (6)
Restun protection increased: 1 second > 2 seconds
= Junk Man
Health tier reduced: Tank (167) > High (137)
= Clown Man
Ultimate tier reduced: 3 > 2
Ultimate now bounces on walls normally
= Search Man
Altfire damage reduced: 11 > 9
= Tengu Man
Ultimate now has failsafes to avoid instant despawns
Ultimate now has 24 stepheight
Ultimate can no longer be erased by shields after connecting to a target
= Frost Man
Assist now pierces enemies
= Sword Man
Mainfire code adjusted, lower chance of the flat damage hitbox despawning
Altfire torso damage reduced: 10 > 8
Final Strike legs now have 9 tics of power protection
Final Strike legs are now always 5 damage
Final Strike legs now slightly cut momentum on hit (10%)
= Astro Man
Charged mainfire no longer bounces on floors
= Cold Man
Altfire slowdown reduced: 80% > 40%
Altfire is now shootable
Ult damage increased: 20 > 40
= Magic Man
PB8 Changes imported:
- Health tier decreased (100 > 92).
- Charged altfire no longer steals ult. Instead, steals a large health capsule that heals for 35 HP.
Napalm bomb romper damage reduced: 40 > 30
= Pirate Man
Mainfire can now be detonated sooner
Mid detonation no longer regens ammo at all
Mid launch detonation now locks altfire for 18 tics, in order to prevent accidental reloads during a juggle attempt
Endlag on mid launch detonation increased by 9 tics
Reload sped up: Detonation is now two tics faster, reload loop is 4 tics faster, reload end is two tics faster
= Burner Man
Full ammo mainfire now drops to the normal version after a second passes
= Dynamo Man
Sucessful frag with ultimate now gives you a thirdfire
Assist is now thrown
Assist now has 75% hitstun
= Galaxy Man
Mainfire now cancels if Black Hole Bomb dies
Mainfire explosion nerfed: 4 damage > 3 damage (Max damage: 28 > 21)
Mainfire no longer launches victim flying on the end of the move
Altfire damage reduced: 32 > 26
Enemy assist damage reduced: 30 > 26
Enemy assist now has 50% meatshot protection
= Magma Man
Now uses button checks instead of states for the standing still recharge
Now has contact damage while standing still
Ultimate now has 24 stepheight
Thirdfire speed doubled
Thirdfire projectile duration halved
= Tornado Man
Mainfire no longer thrusts upwards
Mainfire now has 25% hitstun
Mainfire now has 50% hitstun if the victim is airborne
Altfire damage reduced: 30 > 20
Altfire now gives a speed boost to the victim to compensate for the lack of air control
Thirdfire no longer slows you down
Thirdfire now has a hitbox
Ultimate now has a instakill hitbox on the user's feet
= Concrete Man
Charging mainfire now has a sound after passing level 1 charge
Charged mainfire no longer freezes targets
Fully charged mainfire now has 100% hitstun
Mainfire can now solidify the Magma Man lava hazard
Ground altfire now has 15 wall slam damage
Aerial altfire radius reduced: 400 > 250 (Does not apply to the charged version)
Wall Rush moves now break Concrete Blocks for extra 10 damage
Assist speed increased: 8 > 24
Assist rock deployment timer lowered: 80 > 16
= Blade Man
Wall clings merged: fast RoF, Armor and ability to altfire out of wall are enabled in both versions
Wall cling mainfire now always fires quintuple blade
Altfire cling changed: Tap for dash, hold to grab into a wall, holding other buttons such as thirdfire and jump will also work
Thirdfire now fires the horizontal mainfire if sticked to a wall
Enemy assist powerprotect increased: 4 > 19
Enemy assist now fires a much weaker spread after the first batch of bullets
= Commando Man
Direct mainfire is now always 26 damage
= Solar Man
Thirdfire now has 2 seconds of afterburn + 1 more per level
Maximum level mainfire is now a flat 26 damage
All mainfire waves are now single hit rippers
Fixed mainfire hitting same target twice on contact
Altfire now has 3 tics of powerprotect
Altfire damage level up removed, only gives level up on kill and sucessful block
Altfire blocker hitbox adjusted so no projectiles can go below it
= Sheep Man
Assist no longer bounces on walls
Assist now only freezes movement: can still attack during
= Pump Man
Allies can no longer pop his shield
Altfire now has cooldown regardless of what attack is used to end it
Altfire cooldown increased: 28 tics > 56 tics
= Strike Man
Grounded Altfire armor reduced: 75% > 50%
= Blast Man
Cooldown altfire no longer uses ammo
= Acid Man
Barrier recoded: no longer pops instantly to rippers
= Pluto
Normal mainfire no longer consumes ammo
Altfire ammo regeneration halved: 2 tics > 4 tics
Thirdfire cling box now travels farther (10 speed > 20 speed)
Mainfire ammo now recovers during a wall grab
Can now pick up health during ultimate
= Neptune
Mainfire now requires 4 hits to rust a enemy
Mainfire no longer resets the timer if the opponent already has maximum rust
Altfire stomp hit now adds one point to the rust counter
Altfire AoE radius reduced: 256 > 170 (leaving only the two closer layers of rain)
Altfire moved to it's own ammo bar
Altfire now uses the full meter
Rust slowdown reduced: 80% > 50%
Number of leaps in the ultimate reduced: 5 > 2
Ultimate damages nerfed: 18 > 12 (Salt Water orb), 9 > 4 (split pieces)
= Terra
Mainfire chasers now damage individually from each other
Mainfire damage increased: 8 > 9
Mainfire ammo consumption reduced: 14 > 11
Mainfire endlag reduced: 26 tics > 20 tics
Altfire ammo consumption reduced: 112 > 101
Altfire damage increased: 15 > 22
Altfire endlag reduced: 24 tics > 13 tics
= Enker
Ult tier increased: Short > Medium-Short
= Ballade
Mainfire no longer has delay
Ultimate altfire now has normal thrust
= Quint
Assist damage buffed: 1 > 3
Assist rate of fire heavily decreased
= Buster Rod G
Mainfire rod powerprotect increased: 1 tic > 2 tics
Assist can now be launched with a secondary item
= Mega Water S
Mainfire minimum damage increased: 4 > 12 (does not reach maximum damage earlier)
Thirdfire range increased: 48 > 78
Ult health increased: 100 > 125
Ult health recoded, no longer loses shield instantly to rippers
Assist now forces itself to touch the floor before firing lasers
= Hyper Storm H
Added extra effects when using maximum charge mainfire
Wall Rush damage reduced: 13 > 9
Now has smoke effects to indicate he has sidebar ammo, higher the level, higher smoke amount
= Mad Grinder
Ultimate slams now cause MASSIVE quakes
Ultimate now has a instant kill hitbox
= Van Pookin
Thirdfire now has stepheight
= Ra Devil
Imported changes from Christmas Cultist
Altfire now propels the user forward, and to a much greater force if used in the air
This file was made with PB7.5h1 in mind
Previous changelogs:
Changelog (V0DH8)
= Discord Link:
Patch created by Ze Robotico
Mobility moves no longer work when truly frozen (moves like Centaur Flash that fully take away your control)
Mobility moves are now affected by certain debuffs:
PowerShock (pretty much any quake move with the sparkman shock effect) (50% slowdown)
Time Man's thirdfire and ultimate (33%/66% slowdown)
Venus's thirdfire (50% slowdown)
Dive Man's ultimate (90% slowdown)
Neptune's ultimate (50% slowdown)
Venus thirdfire (50% slowdown)
Ra Thor's ultimate (Mobility moves will go in the opposite direction)
Victims of grab attacks (with the exception of Frost Man's thirdfire) now receive a 75% damage reduction to other damage sources
Wall Rush moves now also work on solid objects (Stone Pillar, Caricarry, Mach Ball)
Afterburn attacks fixed (lmao)
Aerial moves now use a different code check, which should hopefully stop aerial versions from coming out on stairs
Terminator intro animations now cause damage
Score board now shows all classes present in the match
= Copyweapon classes
New weapons added:
- Magnet Beam, obtained by defeating Mega Man, Sniper Joe, Metool or Micro Devil, also replaces Laser Buster in maps
- Super Arrow, obtained by defeating Proto Man or any of the Dark Man classes,also replaces Arrow Buster in maps
= Mega Man
Charged shot damage decreased: 40 > 30
Mega Upper damage increased: 7 > 11 (total damage: 21 > 33)
Gear end cooldown reduced: 8 seconds > 5 seconds
= Duo
Now gives Mega Ball when defeated by a copy weapon class
Fixed mugshot border appearing even when mugshots are disabled
= Dr.Wily
Assist now gives a skull stock on kill
= Metool
Thirdfire now deletes item respawn visuals nearby
= Sniper Joe
Joe bullet speed increased: 35 > 45
Stocks gained on kill reduced: 3 > 1
Now has a hud animation when shieldless
= Cut Man
Mainfire is now a flat 20 damage
Assist now gives the surprise bonus on kill
Ultimate now has 24 stepheight
= Guts Man
Mainfire and thirdfire no longer use ammo
Altfire ammo cost increased: 14 > 32
Thirdfire now has a 6 second cooldown upon throwing the rock
Can no longer aim during ult altfire
Ult duration reduced: 25 seconds > 16 seconds
Jump height increased: 12 > 14
= Elec Man
Mainfire damage reduced: 24 > 21
Altfire sparks now have 3 tics of powerprotect
= Time Man
Mainfire sprites changed
Mainfire damage increased: 9 > 12
Altfire damage increased: 11 > 14
1 tic of startup removed from mainfire and altfire
2 tics of endlag removed from mainfire and altfire (this does not affect the fire rate when held)
Picking health capsules while being affected by Time Slow will heal very slowy as opposed to instantly
Ultimate now gives 25% armor
Enemy assist now snaps to aim center when launched with thirdfire
= Air Man
Air wall release damage decreased: 13 > 9
= Bubble Man
PB8 Bubbleman imported:
Increased damage debuff against Bubble Buster (1.5 > 2.5).
Bubble Trap now pops immediately and thrusts target away if target is damaged by Bubble Buster.
New thirdfire, Bubble Claw
- Summon a bubbled Claw. Inflicts small damage if target runs into bubble. Will pop after short period. Claw then chases after target for extra damage. Four can be active at a time. Depletes count once Claw vanishes.
New enemy assist, M445.
- Moves in a straight path for a moment before homing in on sighted target. Inflicts minor damage but will relentlessly chip away at
= Metal Man
Enemy assist now has 3 tics of powerprotection
= Heat Man
Now has contact damage while charging altfire
= Alien
Altfire gravity reduced: 3.0 > 2.0
Altfire spawner now leaves less gaps between drips
Level 6 armor: 0% > 20%
Now gives Item 1 - 3 when defeated by a copy weapon class
= Spark Man
Altfire now only cuts momentum, rather than stunning completely
= Top Man
Altfire attack icon now becomes red if the player cannot parry due to being hurt
parry box adjusted slighty (0 map units > 2 map units in front of the player)
Parrying your own thirdfire no longer fails if the player was hurt
= Hard Man
Ultimate projectile damage buffed: 15 > 20
= Magnet Man
Altfire now grants 25% armor
Ultimate startup reduced: 16 tics > 8 tics
Ultimate now reflects projectiles
= Shadow Man
Aerial altfire gives 6 thirdfire ammo per hit (maximum is 112)
Aerial altfire now stops moblity moves for 20 tics on hit
Caltrops damage increased: 3 > 8
Boosted caltrops damage increased: 6 > 11
Caltrops now have meatshot protection
Fixed a crash caused by dying during ultimate
Thirdfire now has the +CANTSEEK flag (homing attacks will not follow him while invisible)
Activating ultimate now instantly fills both ammo bars
Ultimate mainfire damage increased: 4 > 5
Ultimate altfire damage increased: 6 > 7
Ultimate altfire no longer retracts when touching the floor
= Doc Robot
Fixed bug that caused Crash Bomb mainfire to do more damage than intended
Heat Tackle can now be aimed vertically
Heat Tackle can now be cancelled by pressing thirdfire
Now gives Eddie Call when defeated by a copy weapon class
Time Stopper damage increased: 10 > 20
Time Stopper now breaks on hit
= Pharaoh Man
Shield is now only usable with full ammo
Altfire movement increased slightly: 0.8 powerspeed > 0.9 powerspeed
Enemy assist no longer has hitstun
Altfire grenade now splits on ceilings and walls
Altfire split shots no longer have a range limit
Altfire split shows now increase dagame to 5 after 6 tics of traveling
Re-blinding a enemy now spawns particle effects
Can only re-blind enemies once
Jump damage increases to 20 if opponent is blinded
Ultimate tier decreased: Medium long > Medium
= Ring Man
Enemy assist now has a cooldown between sucessful launches (it will damage but not launch during the cooldown)
Enemy assist timer fixed
= Toad Man
Uncharged mainfire max damage radius increased: 12 > 36
First charge mainfire damage increased: 6 > 7
Full charge mainfire damage is now split across 12 hits
Uncharged mainfire can now be used during the fail hit cooldown
Altfire ammo cost increased: 4 > 8
Altfre slowdown removed, now just breaks momentum of the victim
Ultimate area of effect no longer has hitstun
Ultimate duration reduced: 20 seconds > 10 seconds
Ultimate damage reduced: 4 > 3
Ultimate damage is now global
Ultimate no longer gives escaroo moves
Ultimate now pushes nearby enemies away from Toad Man
Ultimate 2x defense debuff removed
= Dust Man
Mainfire damage increased: 18 > 20
Can now synthfire to detonate mainfire early
Sprite offsets on these attacks adjusted to be more accurate as well
= Gyro Man
Mainfire no longer pushes targets
Mainfire endlag increased: 6 tics > 17 tics
Altfire damage decreased: 28 > 22
Ultimate altfire damage decreased: 70 > 60
Assist no longer targets allies in team modes
= Stone Man
Stone pillar spin now knocks solid obstacles:
Caricarry Cart
Concrete Shot
Mach Ball (Mega Water S assist)
= Wave Man
Assist duration reduced: 14 seconds > 5 seconds
= Gravity Man
Flip altfire now falls slightly faster
= Dark Man 1
Max health fire rate increased: 20 tics > 18 tics (same as having less than 91 health)
Enemy assist now has 3 tics of powerprotect
= Dark Man 3
Mainfire dammage increased: 7 > 9
M1 into altfire still keeps the same (14)
M1 ammo now regens while using altfire
Damage bonus from hitting frozen targets removed
Ultimate hitbox is now active during the falling as well
= Plant Man
Mainfire damages nerfed: 30 > 25 (projectile), 9 > 4(contact damage)
Mainfire now grants 25% armor
Fixed bug that caused turret flowers to disappear in contact with a ceiling
Thirdfire now runs on altfire ammo instead
Thirdfire can now be cancelled into other attacks
Thirdfire bullet speed increased: 40 > 50
Ult bugs fixed
Can no longer build ultimate ammo from ultimate turret flowers
Latched seed heal on allies reduced: 42 > 11
Pellets heal reduced on team modes: 20 > 11
= Blizzard Man
Altfire invincibility replaced with 50% armor
Altfire cooldown reduced: 8 seconds > 4 seconds
Ultimate tier raised: Short > Medium Short
= Flame Man
No longer collides with players during ultimate
= Centaur Man
PB8 changes imported:
- RIPPER flag removed from Centaur Buster.
- Centaur Flash effect tweaked. Taking damage while under the effect will unfreeze the target.
- While under Centaur Flash freeze, Centaur Arrow does 1.5x damage.
Charged arrow now gives stun protection for two seconds
Charged Mainfire stun reduced: 50 tics > 30 tics
Synthfire now charges faster: 60 tics > 20 tics
Split shots has been recoded to be a single hit ripper that deals 4 damage, going back to 10 damage after two tics
Buster Protection adjusted: x0.25 > x0.5
Extra layer of splits added to Centaur Buster (does not affect direct hits)
No longer regens altfire/thirdfire ammo while firing
Thirdfire no longer grants invincibility
Enemy assist now has a cooldown between sucessful launches
= Slash Man
Ultimate now has full freeze by default
Ultimate now lets you aim a clone every few clones
Tamagodon assist can now be activated when holding altfire
Assist check for the blade attack is now more consistent
= Shade Man
Mainfire damage reduced: 40 > 35 (charged)
Flight Altfire damage reduced: 11 > 6, total: 66 > 36
Ultimate tier increased: Long (5) > Very Long (6)
Restun protection increased: 1 second > 2 seconds
= Clown Man
Ultimate tier reduced: 3 > 2
Ultimate now bounces on walls normally
= Search Man
Altfire damage reduced: 11 > 9
= Tengu Man
Ultimate now has failsafes to avoid instant despawns
Ultimate now has 24 stepheight
Ultimate can no longer be erased by shields after connecting to a target
= Frost Man
Assist now pierces enemies
= Sword Man
Mainfire code adjusted, lower chance of the flat damage hitbox despawning
Altfire torso damage reduced: 10 > 8
Final Strike legs now have 9 tics of power protection
Final Strike legs are now always 5 damage
Final Strike legs now slightly cut momentum on hit (10%)
= Astro Man
Charged mainfire no longer bounces on floors
= Cold Man
Altfire slowdown reduced: 80% > 40%
Altfire is now shootable
Ult damage increased: 20 > 40
= Magic Man
PB8 Changes imported:
- Health tier decreased (100 > 92).
- Charged altfire no longer steals ult. Instead, steals a large health capsule that heals for 35 HP.
Napalm bomb romper damage reduced: 40 > 30
= Pirate Man
Mainfire can now be detonated sooner
Mid detonation no longer regens ammo at all
Mid launch detonation now locks altfire for 18 tics, in order to prevent accidental reloads during a juggle attempt
Endlag on mid launch detonation increased by 9 tics
Reload sped up: Detonation is now two tics faster, reload loop is 4 tics faster, reload end is two tics faster
= Burner Man
Full ammo mainfire now drops to the normal version after a second passes
= Dynamo Man
Sucessful frag with ultimate now gives you a thirdfire
Assist is now thrown
Assist now has 75% hitstun
= Galaxy Man
Mainfire now cancels if Black Hole Bomb dies
Mainfire explosion nerfed: 4 damage > 3 damage (Max damage: 28 > 21)
Mainfire no longer launches victim flying on the end of the move
Altfire damage reduced: 32 > 26
Enemy assist damage reduced: 30 > 26
Enemy assist now has 50% meatshot protection
= Magma Man
Now uses button checks instead of states for the standing still recharge
Now has contact damage while standing still
Ultimate now has free horizontal look
Ultimate now has 24 stepheight
Thirdfire speed doubled
Thirdfire projectile duration halved
= Tornado Man
Mainfire no longer thrusts upwards
Mainfire now has 25% hitstun
Mainfire now has 50% hitstun if the victim is airborne
Altfire damage reduced: 30 > 20
Altfire now gives a speed boost to the victim to compensate for the lack of air control
Thirdfire no longer slows you down
Thirdfire now has a hitbox
Ultimate now has a instakill hitbox on the user's feet
= Concrete Man
Charging mainfire now has a sound after passing level 1 charge
Charged mainfire no longer freezes targets
Ground altfire now has 15 wall slam damage
Aerial altfire radius reduced: 400 > 250 (Does not apply to the charged version)
Wall Rush moves now break Concrete Blocks for extra 10 damage
Assist speed increased: 8 > 24
Assist rock deployment timer lowered: 80 > 16
= Blade Man
Wall clings merged: fast RoF, Armor and ability to altfire out of wall are enabled in both versions
Wall cling mainfire now always fires quintuple blade
Altfire cling changed: Tap for dash, hold to grab into a wall, holding other buttons such as thirdfire and jump will also work
Thirdfire now fires the horizontal mainfire if sticked to a wall
Enemy assist powerprotect increased: 4 > 19
Enemy assist now fires a much weaker spread after the first batch of bullets
= Commando Man
Direct mainfire is now always 26 damage
= Solar Man
Thirdfire now has 2 seconds of afterburn + 1 more per level
Maximum level mainfire is now a flat 26 damage
All mainfire waves are now single hit rippers
Fixed mainfire hitting same target twice on contact
Altfire now has 3 tics of powerprotect
Altfire damage level up removed, only gives level up on kill and sucessful block
Altfire blocker hitbox adjusted so no projectiles can go below it
= Sheep Man
Assist no longer bounces on walls
Assist now only freezes movement: can still attack during
= Pump Man
Allies can no longer pop his shield
Altfire now has cooldown regardless of what attack is used to end it
Altfire cooldown increased: 28 tics > 56 tics
= Blast Man
Cooldown altfire no longer uses ammo
= Pluto
Normal mainfire no longer consumes ammo
Altfire ammo regeneration halved: 2 tics > 4 tics
Thirdfire cling box now travels farther (10 speed > 20 speed)
Mainfire ammo now recovers during a wall grab
Can now pick up health during ultimate
= Neptune
Mainfire now requires 4 hits to rust a enemy
Mainfire no longer resets the timer if the opponent already has maximum rust
Altfire stomp hit now adds one point to the rust counter
Altfire AoE radius reduced: 256 > 170 (leaving only the two closer layers of rain)
Altfire moved to it's own ammo bar
Altfire now uses the full meter
Rust slowdown reduced: 80% > 50%
Number of leaps in the ultimate reduced: 5 > 2
Ultimate damages nerfed: 18 > 12 (Salt Water orb), 9 > 4 (split pieces)
= Terra
Mainfire chasers now damage individually from each other
Mainfire damage increased: 8 > 9
Mainfire ammo consumption reduced: 14 > 11
Mainfire endlag reduced: 26 tics > 20 tics
Altfire ammo consumption reduced: 112 > 101
Altfire damage increased: 15 > 22
Altfire endlag reduced: 24 tics > 13 tics
= Enker
Ult tier increased: Short > Medium-Short
= Ballade
Mainfire no longer has delay
Ultimate altfire now has normal thrust
= Quint
Assist damage buffed: 1 > 3
Assist rate of fire heavily decreased
= Buster Rod G
Mainfire rod powerprotect increased: 1 tic > 2 tics
Assist can now be launched with a secondary item
= Mega Water S
Mainfire minimum damage increased: 4 > 12 (does not reach maximum damage earlier)
Thirdfire range increased: 48 > 78
Ult health increased: 100 > 125
Ult health recoded, no longer loses shield instantly to rippers
Assist now forces itself to touch the floor before firing lasers
= Hyper Storm H
Added extra effects when using maximum charge mainfire
Wall Rush damage reduced: 13 > 9
Now has smoke effects to indicate he has sidebar ammo, higher the level, higher smoke amount
= Mad Grinder
Ultimate slams now cause MASSIVE quakes
Ultimate now has a instant kill hitbox
= Van Pookin
Thirdfire now has stepheight
= Ra Devil
Imported changes from Christmas Cultist
Altfire now propels the user forward, and to a much greater force if used in the air
The art of shooting the Mega Buster is very apreciated in the entire world, but some do it wrong and don't recieve a good experience. So now time; we will teach you how to shoot the Mega Buster correctly. This is the result of 3 years studying people that do this type of art.
1st – Get a Sandpaper. Sandpaper is very important, because with it you can protect your hand to have contact with your Mega Buster. It gives a satisfying feeling to you.
2nd – Use a Toothpaste. Using a toothpaste combined with the Sandpaper will increase your precision by 70%. If you don't have a Toothpaste in your house, use Pepper Sauce, it gives the same effect. And you can even use both of them!
3rd – Charge. Just Charge. Fast, slowly, Strongly, Weak, it doesn't matter how you do. At the end you will shoot a charge shot by the ending of the weoweeweoweowee sound and get many frags. But your Mega Buster probably will be in cooldown and almost painful, but it's the “little” colateral effect of this experiment. So, enjoy it!