Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch Forum

Korby Administrator
Benvenuto nella room italiana!
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Benvenuto nella room italiana!
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March. 23, 2025, 6:19 PM Thoughts on using Maestro in fangames?
(I fixed the image in your post)

Hey there! I'm the guy who designed Maestro and a member of the devteam.
As long as you credit their origin ("Team MM8BDM" works just fine), feel free to go right ahead! I'm always interested to see what people do with them.
March. 23, 2025, 6:12 PM (Edited by Korby) Inspired BURST!
Welcome to
Inspired BURST!

Long overdue, the updated release to the pack of weapons from the 2024 weapon competition is here!
Inspired BURST! offers an exciting selection of 15 unique weapons based on other games made by various community members.

Learn about the weapons below, or just skip straight ahead and download the file!

Download: inspiredburst-v1b.pk3

When hosting Inspired BURST! (or any other weapon pack) it's recommended you utilize the Randomizer Settings on your server to allow custom weapons to appear on any map!

February. 11, 2025, 9:53 PM (Edited by Korby) Final Boss Gamma Weapons
Typing this in the console will give you the weapon.
give GammaFists_Campaign

However, you can't easily make it punch without either modification of the weapon or an incredible amount of manual inventory management. The weapon's punching states are controlled by secretly adding and removing different types of Ammo from the player's inventory, triggering the different attacks in the boss fight.

You can, however, shoot the buster. It does 100 damage a shot, minimum!
February. 11, 2025, 9:46 PM Controller Support
If you're trying to play online, it's possible launching it through Doomseeker is using a different config file associated with a beta.

I'm not too familiar with playing with controller myself in Zandro, but I don't think it's likely that there's a setting to reduce sensitivity even lower.
January. 7, 2025, 4:26 PM REVAMPED MM8BDM Text Color Guide
"CVar" stands for "Client Variable" and refers to variables that affect the client (you) and not the server.

As far as accessing colors, you combine the letters shown on the image in the initial post with the color code, \c

For example, if you are in player setup and changing your name, typing \cgCross would make your name appear as Cross. \chCross will give you Cross, so on and so forth.
November. 12, 2024, 11:12 PM CTFBOSS2
Sorry for the late reply.
You're correct! It's from Ufouria.
Happy Halloween, everyone! Sorry for the long delay on results; part of it was due to two (2) massive hurricanes hitting areas where Russel lives, and some of it was straight up complacency. Oops!

However, after much delay, the judges have finalized their scores and that means...

You can read our thoughts about them by clicking the above link, but I'll just list the winners down here, too.

First Place: Alucard Sword by CutmanMike

Second Place: Magnet Sphere by Ukiyama

Third Place: Artery Core by MegaVile

I'd like to thank everyone for joining the competition! Frankly, I didn't expect the turnout that we got and it makes me really happy to see how much interest there was not just in making things for the competition, but playing on the test servers. I even got requests to keep them going after the final scheduled day!

It's safe to say that this isn't the last you've seen of Inspired BURST! and I hope you can understand our reasonings for the winners that got picked.

In addition to the results being out, we're now accepting changes to your weapons for the full release of the pack!

Anyone who wants to make changes to their weapons now that the competition is over can submit them to the judges! (or in the official MM8BDM discord, I'll probably see it there)

There's no real deadline for this, but we'd like to get a more patched up version of this out that lets people feel less assaulted by some of the more crazy weapons in the pack.

That's it for this competition! Thanks again for all those who entered or showed interest, and we'll see you next time as long as you don't burn us at the stake!
I don't see why here couldn't work. What do you need help with?
October. 4, 2024, 9:12 PM (Edited by Korby) Inspired BURST! -V6b Weapon Competition -Ends 9/28
Hi, everyone! Sorry for the late response, but the competition's submission period has ended! Four days ago!
I may have accidentally caught a horrible case of the coves over the weekend, but the judges pulled together (which is to say, Trill and Russel carried my ass) and got this whole thing wrapped up in a nice little bow.

First and foremost,

I'd like to thank all of our successful entrants, and all who showed interest!
Below is a list of every weapon included, and the user who created them.

Snake Whip by PinkRoboBlaster
Cra's Range by StardustMotion
Alucard Sword by CutmanMike
Artery Core by MegaVile
Deadly Malware by Ec1ip5e
Electric Burst by Chimmii
Gyro Boots by Woolock
Judgement Rush by Hilman170499
Hammer Throw by Barrels O' Fun
Moon Gas by ThéophileCaceres
Magnet Sphere by Ukiyama
Youkai Buster by Reemu

--Judge Weapons--

Plasma Spark by Korby
Zangetsuto by Russel
Rocket Grab by Trillster

Finally, I'd like to announce the play schedule for the contest! While we're trying to judge the weapons, we'll be hosting servers in different styles of play. While writing this, the server for tonight is already live with Deathmatch!

Every night from now until next Thursday, the 10th, at 8 PM Eastern, a different server will launch for testing! Please show up so we can fairly judge!

Friday, the 4th: Scorched Earth
Saturday, the 5th: Skulltag & Duel Hub updated with Randomizer Mode
Sunday, the 6th: TLMS (AOEs & Busters enabled)
Monday, the 7th: Team Possession
Tuesday, the 8th: Roboenza Frenzy
Wednesday, the 9th: GVH Arcade
Thursday, the 10th: Team Deathmatch

In a few days, I'll make a more proper post for this over in Projects, but this'll do for now. Happy testing, everyone!
Hello! Been a hot minute since I've posted, and since then, we've gotten a few submissions from our signup people!
I really appreciate the turnout so far; frankly, I'm a little surprised by it!

I'm posting again for a couple of reasons; the first is as a gentle reminder that there's only two weeks left! Remember, submissions will end by the end of the day on September 28th!

If you wanted to submit, make sure you set aside some time in the coming weeks to work on your weapon!

The other reason I'm posting is to give a small announcement; each of the judges plan to create and include their own weapons in the final pack, because we wanted to join in on the fun too. The big caveat with this is, obviously, the judge weapons will not be scored, and cannot win (or even place). We just wanted to make them for fun!

To give an example, here's my own creation, Plasma Spark, inspired by Kirby Super Star's Plasma ability!

That's about it! Thanks, everyone, for your interest in the competition; it means a lot!
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