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Cutstuff Mapping Jam 9: Banana Jamma
Freems • June. 1, 2024, 11:26 PM
Cutstuff Mapping Jam 9: Banana Jamma

Hello everyone, it’s Freems and welcome to the ninth Cutstuff Mapping Jam! You may have read this exact message before but I suddenly have a forum again so I'm reposting the Jam announcement here!
please enjoy my copy/paste job.

But Freems, What is Jam? Well I’m glad you asked my hypothetical voices that live in my brain! Jam is an event where the MM8BDM community comes together to make a bunch of new maps for the game! As always though, this is not just an event for veteran mappers who have it all down, I always encourage people who have always wanted to make maps in the past to give it a shot and participate! Jam is never a contest and is just about people coming together to make some maps for fun! As such, help is always available if anyone ever needs any!

In fact, in this modern day we have a full wiki tutorial on how to get started with mapping! So if you’re interested in participating in Jam but aren’t quite sure where to start, please feel free to check out this link right here!

Jam is broken down into two phases, the piece phase and the mapping phase! Phase 1 will last about two weeks and will consist of people making a small map piece. One’s map piece acts as their sign up! You won’t be able to sign up without one!

We are also pulling a repeat of last jam’s gimmick by bringing some words being thrown into play! Along with your map pieces, you will receive three randomly chosen words! You will have to choose 2 out of 3 words that have to somehow apply to your map, albeit I am VERY flexible with how you use these words, and I honestly think bending the rules in that regard is usually really funny.
I know in the past there have been some ROUGH combo of words people have received that have stopped them in their tracks with making a map. I’m planning on taking a few extra steps to avoid especially bad combinations this go around. I’m not 100% sure of my method as of writing this post, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to vet the 3 word combos that get put together before handing them out to mappers and get rid of the truly terrible ones, that only hand out combos that aren’t just impossible to work with.

BUT here are the guidelines for phase 1! Copy/pasted as always!

Along with your map piece, please submit at least 3 words to go into the great word pool. This is the pool of words that will be handed out to the other mappers, but don’t count on getting your own words! You can give me more than 3 words but please cap it at 5 so I don’t have an endless pool.
Also to copy/paste again…
That said, there's a level of being reasonable when giving me words. Words like "Dark", "Bounce", "Fast", and "Ghost" are things that you can reasonably use in your life. But don't give me things that don't lend themselves well to mapping like "Broccoli" or something. Also nothing on the nose like "Hard Man" (which isn't even a word!!!). At the end of the day, while I want this to be a user made pool, I do reserve the right to deny any submitted words and ask for replacements or just replace them myself. And keep things PG.

We will talk about the more specific phase 2 guidelines when we get there, but if you’ve done a Jam before, odds are you know what’s up.

The next couple weeks are your chance to sign up! If you have any questions about anything, whether it be how this works or even how to do some things while mapping, do not be afraid to ask me! I am more than happy to help out!

All map pieces and words are to be submitted to my Discord (which is Freems) since Forum PMs don’t exist anymore. Submissions will close on Sunday, June 9th at 11:59pm EST (or more realistically, when I wake up the following Monday.) If you're paying attention, this deadline is extended since the last Google Doc since I want things to breathe on the new forums a little. Once we hit that deadline, I will add to this topic with the phase 2 details!

I think that’s everything I need to cover! If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask!
BOUNTY - a Map Competition for MM8BDM V6C!
LlamaHombre • June. 1, 2024, 10:37 PM (Edited)

BLUF: A map competition started in 2023 with the intent of replacing MM2CRA, MM2FLA, MM6WIN, and MMWTMWS for the next version of MM8BDM.

PK3 download:

expect results very soon