MM8BDM Forum
Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates

El cobra(SkullSnake) • June. 2, 2024, 3:29 AM
December. 29, 2024, 3:50 AM
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Weekly mod news 29/12/2024 "Week 6 of the super monkey's rework which wasn't much"
Bloons mod: "Doing some touch ups and adjusting some behaviours"
1. Super monkey abilities: tech terror/anti bloon explosion, & dark shift abilities all have an icon for their abilities now!
2. A few projectiles used MOABSHREDDER7Layer instead of MOABSHREDDERSevenLayer, causing bloons to only pop one layer instead of seven so I fixed that.
3. Reduced the cooldown of LOTN/005Super black hole grenade, as it felt way too punishing if you missed.
4. Super monkey's "Awesome boots" can finally be purchased in the shop, it's binded to **Reload** for all super monkey upgrades. Using it will drain super flight ammo but will give you free flight as long as you have flight ammo for it.
5. super monkey charge animations adjusted
6. Getting back to the afterburn debuff issue, it acts like glue but due to how it's coded it won't work with the auto cash pickup script, so I'm fixing that. The fixed version has been applied to a few bloons so far, but I'll try to apply it to all bloons by the end of next week if possible.
1. Completed the Shademan.exe MM8BDM skin favor I got earlier this year. (5/110 > 110/110, 100% done!)
Plans for next week? Well this is the last mod news for the year and to start off 2025 this week will be dedicated to a pre-beta balance round & bug fixing. For sure there will be some classes who have strong upgrades slip through the cracks but I'll try to balance it well as I'll be using one class per day meaning all 7 classes will be tested by the end of the week. **Disclaimer: I am doing single player tests so some of these upgrades may be OP if stacked or under certain conditions so be aware of that**. Other than that, we all sail onward into 2025 mates!
Bloons mod: "Doing some touch ups and adjusting some behaviours"
1. Super monkey abilities: tech terror/anti bloon explosion, & dark shift abilities all have an icon for their abilities now!
2. A few projectiles used MOABSHREDDER7Layer instead of MOABSHREDDERSevenLayer, causing bloons to only pop one layer instead of seven so I fixed that.
3. Reduced the cooldown of LOTN/005Super black hole grenade, as it felt way too punishing if you missed.
4. Super monkey's "Awesome boots" can finally be purchased in the shop, it's binded to **Reload** for all super monkey upgrades. Using it will drain super flight ammo but will give you free flight as long as you have flight ammo for it.
5. super monkey charge animations adjusted
6. Getting back to the afterburn debuff issue, it acts like glue but due to how it's coded it won't work with the auto cash pickup script, so I'm fixing that. The fixed version has been applied to a few bloons so far, but I'll try to apply it to all bloons by the end of next week if possible.
1. Completed the Shademan.exe MM8BDM skin favor I got earlier this year. (5/110 > 110/110, 100% done!)
Plans for next week? Well this is the last mod news for the year and to start off 2025 this week will be dedicated to a pre-beta balance round & bug fixing. For sure there will be some classes who have strong upgrades slip through the cracks but I'll try to balance it well as I'll be using one class per day meaning all 7 classes will be tested by the end of the week. **Disclaimer: I am doing single player tests so some of these upgrades may be OP if stacked or under certain conditions so be aware of that**. Other than that, we all sail onward into 2025 mates!
January. 8, 2025, 9:51 PM
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I know it's late but my power supply died and I had to order a new one so that's why it's late here.
Weekly mod news 5/1/2025 "Big week of balance & testing, or it would of been if my power supply didn't die on me"
Bloons mod: "Doing some touch ups and adjusting some behaviours"
1. Dart monkey bug fix: super monkey fanclub fans can shoot through each other now, that makes them way more effective. I don't know how I kept forgetting about this issue.
2. dark monkey spikeball & juggernaut balls all got a pierce cap. (Optimise the code, because it really lags the game with ultra juggernaut)
3. Mortar Afterburn fix applied onto all bloons.
4. Pink speed nerfed (1.5x speed > 1.3x speed)
5. Purple bloons could IK glue gunner if a big crowd bumped into him. That's fixed now.
6. Moab glue didn't have an overglued state so I added it.
7. RelentlessGlueAcid damage type will crash the game due to a missing death state, HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT SEE THIS? It's fixed now but how did I miss this?
applied to all bloons.
8. sniper power shot has a pierce cap.
Plans for next week? Well I can't do anything until my computer is fixed, but I am thinking about that needs to be done before the beta's release.
Weekly mod news 5/1/2025 "Big week of balance & testing, or it would of been if my power supply didn't die on me"
Bloons mod: "Doing some touch ups and adjusting some behaviours"
1. Dart monkey bug fix: super monkey fanclub fans can shoot through each other now, that makes them way more effective. I don't know how I kept forgetting about this issue.
2. dark monkey spikeball & juggernaut balls all got a pierce cap. (Optimise the code, because it really lags the game with ultra juggernaut)
3. Mortar Afterburn fix applied onto all bloons.
4. Pink speed nerfed (1.5x speed > 1.3x speed)
5. Purple bloons could IK glue gunner if a big crowd bumped into him. That's fixed now.
6. Moab glue didn't have an overglued state so I added it.
7. RelentlessGlueAcid damage type will crash the game due to a missing death state, HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT SEE THIS? It's fixed now but how did I miss this?
applied to all bloons.
8. sniper power shot has a pierce cap.
Plans for next week? Well I can't do anything until my computer is fixed, but I am thinking about that needs to be done before the beta's release.
January. 12, 2025, 12:45 AM
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Weekly mod news 12/1/2025 "WE ARE BACK! Only half the week taken away from me though..."
Bloons mod: "Doing everything I couldn't do last week"
1. Dart monkey darts now properly die when hitting floors, it was something that just kept escaping my mind when working on stuff.
2. Sniper monkey shrapnel now accounts for top path upgrades doing more damage on each upgrade.
3. Glue gunner StickierGlue/001glue & StrongerGlue/002 upgrades now properly work with GlueSoak/100glue, also StrongerGlue/002Glue price nerfed by $100.
4. Glue grenade charge shot can be used on StrongerGlue/002Glue if you have CorrosiveGlue/200Glue as your crosspath.
5. Optimised spike ball & juggernaut code to prevent a game-lagging crash if too many people used ultra juggernaut.
6. Mortar monkey shells now account for low ceilings, so mortar shells should not get stuck in low ceilings or multi-layered floors.
7. changed Super monkey's upgrade prices easier to obtain as every other monkey is good now, allowing him to somewhat keep up but still keeping the requirement of upgrades being locked behind certain rounds/conditions.
Tier I = money
Tier II = Moab medal + money
Tier III = Moab medal x3 + money
Tier IV = BFB medal + A lot of money
Tier V = ZOMG medal + BFB medal x7 + A lot of money
8. Held cash cap raised from: $100000 to $200000.
9. Moab class Bloon hitbox sizes adjusted to be accurate to what you see, some moab class bloons are also smaller to help with pathing
10. Bloons now have an animation for "Afterburn" status that is applied by Burnystuff/002Mortar. Other monkeys may be able to apply this debuff in the future!
Plans for next week? Well I think I can get the beta up this week, I just need to do some final checks then it should be all good to go.
Bloons mod: "Doing everything I couldn't do last week"
1. Dart monkey darts now properly die when hitting floors, it was something that just kept escaping my mind when working on stuff.
2. Sniper monkey shrapnel now accounts for top path upgrades doing more damage on each upgrade.
3. Glue gunner StickierGlue/001glue & StrongerGlue/002 upgrades now properly work with GlueSoak/100glue, also StrongerGlue/002Glue price nerfed by $100.
4. Glue grenade charge shot can be used on StrongerGlue/002Glue if you have CorrosiveGlue/200Glue as your crosspath.
5. Optimised spike ball & juggernaut code to prevent a game-lagging crash if too many people used ultra juggernaut.
6. Mortar monkey shells now account for low ceilings, so mortar shells should not get stuck in low ceilings or multi-layered floors.
7. changed Super monkey's upgrade prices easier to obtain as every other monkey is good now, allowing him to somewhat keep up but still keeping the requirement of upgrades being locked behind certain rounds/conditions.
Tier I = money
Tier II = Moab medal + money
Tier III = Moab medal x3 + money
Tier IV = BFB medal + A lot of money
Tier V = ZOMG medal + BFB medal x7 + A lot of money
8. Held cash cap raised from: $100000 to $200000.
9. Moab class Bloon hitbox sizes adjusted to be accurate to what you see, some moab class bloons are also smaller to help with pathing
10. Bloons now have an animation for "Afterburn" status that is applied by Burnystuff/002Mortar. Other monkeys may be able to apply this debuff in the future!
Plans for next week? Well I think I can get the beta up this week, I just need to do some final checks then it should be all good to go.
January. 19, 2025, 4:58 AM
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Weekly mod news 19/1/2025 "The Beta is out and doing some testing"
Bloons mod: "A bunch of small things to add to the beta and some post beta fixes"
1. Now there is a current round display located at the top of your screen.
2. Fanclub dart monkeys, ninja shadow doubles, and any kind of other entity that can pop bloons by themselves don't delete money now.
3. Fixed a strange issue that would delete money if you were to shoot a camo regrow green with two layer attacks, as the bloon wouldn't spawn a red bloon you'd loose $1 for every single one you shot.
4. applied a despawn on floor rule to a bunch of projectiles that didn't do that.
5. Fixed some skin issues & offsets.
6. buffed and nerfed the prices of banana farm upgrades
Post Beta fixes:
1. Fixed the issue with dart monkey making the game a powerpoint presentation, the issue? The ultra juggernaut used an old version of the projectile that summoned 70 projectiles at once instead of one projectile that had 70 pierce.
2. the revive script sent players into the shadow realm that is now fixed
3. players could go out of bounds on BLONM1,
4. fixed a spam message on 000NinjaShot & a few other projectiles.
5. The revive script should account for spectators in queue now, but your class may be randomized.
6. Finally found out how to reset player inventories when the map changes from a completed game.
There are a lot more bug fixes and additions in the second patch so it'll be right under this mod news announcement.
Plans for next week? Well I want to go and work on something else for a while but I will get V2 Public Beta bugfix patch out before I do that. Once the patch is out expect the Bloons mod progress will be put on hold unless if it's an emergency patch. So expect platformer mod & video work for a while.
Bloons mod: "A bunch of small things to add to the beta and some post beta fixes"
1. Now there is a current round display located at the top of your screen.
2. Fanclub dart monkeys, ninja shadow doubles, and any kind of other entity that can pop bloons by themselves don't delete money now.
3. Fixed a strange issue that would delete money if you were to shoot a camo regrow green with two layer attacks, as the bloon wouldn't spawn a red bloon you'd loose $1 for every single one you shot.
4. applied a despawn on floor rule to a bunch of projectiles that didn't do that.
5. Fixed some skin issues & offsets.
6. buffed and nerfed the prices of banana farm upgrades
Post Beta fixes:
1. Fixed the issue with dart monkey making the game a powerpoint presentation, the issue? The ultra juggernaut used an old version of the projectile that summoned 70 projectiles at once instead of one projectile that had 70 pierce.
2. the revive script sent players into the shadow realm that is now fixed
3. players could go out of bounds on BLONM1,
4. fixed a spam message on 000NinjaShot & a few other projectiles.
5. The revive script should account for spectators in queue now, but your class may be randomized.
6. Finally found out how to reset player inventories when the map changes from a completed game.
There are a lot more bug fixes and additions in the second patch so it'll be right under this mod news announcement.
Plans for next week? Well I want to go and work on something else for a while but I will get V2 Public Beta bugfix patch out before I do that. Once the patch is out expect the Bloons mod progress will be put on hold unless if it's an emergency patch. So expect platformer mod & video work for a while.
January. 19, 2025, 4:59 AM
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Changes applied in this patch, and hopefully it should be the last one for now: Expect some more when the patch comes out!
1. MOAB class medals expire after being on the ground for 8 minutes, this is to fix an issue where it can be hard to see bloons past round 70 as there is a lot of moab medals laying around.
2. Base DDTs should spawn properly instead of being ZOMGs, I'm damned on how I missed that.
3. Created a "catch zone" in BLONM3 to stop an exploit with using LargeCaliber/200Sniper or anything that does 7 layers of damage on a Ceramic or rainbow bloon at the edge of the map causing 1-2 bloons to spawn out of bounds creating a soft lock. *Thank you spark for finding this exploit*
4. Fixed Distraction Damagetype as it would cause some bloons to not drop money which is wierd, I also fixed an issue of the auto pickup script not working on white bloons when 2layerNeutral damagetype is used.
5. Sabotaged Zebras could summon double the amount of pinks it should if any 2Layer damagetype was used, that is fixed now.
6. Bad bloon has a unique spawner to account for it's size, *feel free to make a joke out of that if you will.*
7. revive script & spectator mid-game joins are two separate scripts now! No more ***revive earrape sounds*** on player joining game!
To account for the new spectator join mid game script the amount of revives you get are lowered now.
1. Revives gained from every ten rounds in Default rounds is lowered (8 > 5), but round 80 gives 10 revives allowing for more players to be brought back for the final waves.
2. Had an issue joining halfway through a game and had to wait for every tenth round to play? Not anymore! Now you can join the moment a new round starts! *as long as you are in queue that is, with a limit of 3 people joining per round. Default rounds allows this up until round 81 so once round 82 starts you'll have to wait until the next game as this somewhat prevents final rounds trolling.*
1. MOAB class medals expire after being on the ground for 8 minutes, this is to fix an issue where it can be hard to see bloons past round 70 as there is a lot of moab medals laying around.
2. Base DDTs should spawn properly instead of being ZOMGs, I'm damned on how I missed that.
3. Created a "catch zone" in BLONM3 to stop an exploit with using LargeCaliber/200Sniper or anything that does 7 layers of damage on a Ceramic or rainbow bloon at the edge of the map causing 1-2 bloons to spawn out of bounds creating a soft lock. *Thank you spark for finding this exploit*
4. Fixed Distraction Damagetype as it would cause some bloons to not drop money which is wierd, I also fixed an issue of the auto pickup script not working on white bloons when 2layerNeutral damagetype is used.
5. Sabotaged Zebras could summon double the amount of pinks it should if any 2Layer damagetype was used, that is fixed now.
6. Bad bloon has a unique spawner to account for it's size, *feel free to make a joke out of that if you will.*
7. revive script & spectator mid-game joins are two separate scripts now! No more ***revive earrape sounds*** on player joining game!
To account for the new spectator join mid game script the amount of revives you get are lowered now.
1. Revives gained from every ten rounds in Default rounds is lowered (8 > 5), but round 80 gives 10 revives allowing for more players to be brought back for the final waves.
2. Had an issue joining halfway through a game and had to wait for every tenth round to play? Not anymore! Now you can join the moment a new round starts! *as long as you are in queue that is, with a limit of 3 people joining per round. Default rounds allows this up until round 81 so once round 82 starts you'll have to wait until the next game as this somewhat prevents final rounds trolling.*
January. 22, 2025, 4:49 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake))
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I finally made the server for my mod news & future projects! Just make sure to read the rules when you join.
All the mods I make should be on TSPG but sometimes I'll post download links in the discord server, be aware that it's still in its early days so some things may be missing.
Current CobrasBloonsModV2Beta patch version, 1.2
All the mods I make should be on TSPG but sometimes I'll post download links in the discord server, be aware that it's still in its early days so some things may be missing.
Current CobrasBloonsModV2Beta patch version, 1.2
January. 26, 2025, 2:56 AM
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Weekly mod news 26/1/2025 "Bug fixing and finally working on something else"
Bloons mod: "A lot of beta fixes"
1. Most of this week was spent working on bugfix patches with a lot of changes.
Platformer mod: "Slowly getting back to it"
1. reworking the player movement system to account for natural player movement allowing for smoother movement offline & online.
2. due to the new player movement system old existing weapons have been broken (except for gravity hold). So far the only weapon that works with the new movement system so far is the mega buster
3. thanks to the movement code upgrade you don't move slowly while charging!
Plans for next week? I want to work on a video this week, what is the video? Well it's a short summary of what happened in the month, I call it Monthly mod news showcase! So don't expect much mod work until the video is done.
Missed the bloons mod V2 beta? Don't worry as I'll keep it up for a good few months so everyone can give it a good go!
Bloons mod: "A lot of beta fixes"
1. Most of this week was spent working on bugfix patches with a lot of changes.
Platformer mod: "Slowly getting back to it"
1. reworking the player movement system to account for natural player movement allowing for smoother movement offline & online.
2. due to the new player movement system old existing weapons have been broken (except for gravity hold). So far the only weapon that works with the new movement system so far is the mega buster
3. thanks to the movement code upgrade you don't move slowly while charging!
Plans for next week? I want to work on a video this week, what is the video? Well it's a short summary of what happened in the month, I call it Monthly mod news showcase! So don't expect much mod work until the video is done.
Missed the bloons mod V2 beta? Don't worry as I'll keep it up for a good few months so everyone can give it a good go!
February. 2, 2025, 3:44 AM
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Weekly mod news 2/2/2025 "Platformer mod work"
Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a
Platformer mod: "More animations & fixes"
1. More animations added to the reworked megaman player class.
2. more weapons updated to the new system:
Power stone,
Gravity hold,
Crystal Eye,
Charge kick,
Napalm bomb,
Water wave,
Star crash,
Gyro attack,
3. additional health bars "green, blue, orange" updated to the new system.
Got a video done "January mod news"
Plans for next week? More stuff on the platformer mod, hopefully getting all the weapons done and completing the new player control system.
Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a
Platformer mod: "More animations & fixes"
1. More animations added to the reworked megaman player class.
2. more weapons updated to the new system:
Power stone,
Gravity hold,
Crystal Eye,
Charge kick,
Napalm bomb,
Water wave,
Star crash,
Gyro attack,
3. additional health bars "green, blue, orange" updated to the new system.
Got a video done "January mod news"
Plans for next week? More stuff on the platformer mod, hopefully getting all the weapons done and completing the new player control system.
February. 9, 2025, 3:34 AM
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Weekly mod news 9/2/2025 "Platformer mod stuff! mainly stone man's stage though..."
Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a
Platformer mod: "Constructing a stage & fixing strange bugs"
1. Working on stone man's stage, so far it's alright but definitely needs ironing out.
2. Fixed a bug that locks the player into only firing to their left or right after touching a direction change.
3. Added snake blocks! But they have an issue with being blocked by the player
4. Stone man boss is still a WIP, but he's got more than power stone & a jump here!
Plans for next week? My main goal is to get the stone man boss done by the end of the week. Other than that I'll work on a few smaller things.
Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a
Platformer mod: "Constructing a stage & fixing strange bugs"
1. Working on stone man's stage, so far it's alright but definitely needs ironing out.
2. Fixed a bug that locks the player into only firing to their left or right after touching a direction change.
3. Added snake blocks! But they have an issue with being blocked by the player
4. Stone man boss is still a WIP, but he's got more than power stone & a jump here!
Plans for next week? My main goal is to get the stone man boss done by the end of the week. Other than that I'll work on a few smaller things.
February. 16, 2025, 3:49 AM
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Weekly mod news 16/2/2025 "Body made of bricks along with small additions!"
Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a
Platformer mod: "Stone man awakens from his rubble!"
1. Completed Stone man's boss pattern, all I need to do is make small adjustments (Certain Copywep interactions) & make his health bar appear.
2. Visible boss health bars is still a wip
3. Made icons for the MM5 robot master health bars
4. Applied more updates to the player movement controller, fixing a bug that inverts the player's movement & firing animations on South & West directions.
1. Worked on a new video!
Plans for next week? I want to fix an issue I have with my current power stone wep, it's really good but it's movement gets more linear as it's speed increases.
Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a
Platformer mod: "Stone man awakens from his rubble!"
1. Completed Stone man's boss pattern, all I need to do is make small adjustments (Certain Copywep interactions) & make his health bar appear.
2. Visible boss health bars is still a wip
3. Made icons for the MM5 robot master health bars
4. Applied more updates to the player movement controller, fixing a bug that inverts the player's movement & firing animations on South & West directions.
1. Worked on a new video!
Plans for next week? I want to fix an issue I have with my current power stone wep, it's really good but it's movement gets more linear as it's speed increases.