MM8BDM Forum

El cobra(SkullSnake)
Making mods in my spare time
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El cobra(SkullSnake)
Making mods in my spare time
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September. 8, 2024, 2:27 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 8/9/2024 "Two days of mod works, I thought I would do more..."

Bloons mod: "ninja monkey week"
1. ninja monkey hud redrawn with a smoother animation and more frames, but firing speed nerfed by 5 frames as a balance the class out so the dart monkey doesn't feel outclassed right off the bat. (only default has this so far)
2. removed divert, blast, & sabo scrolls, as they did very little for gameplay. I've added a new system for the ninja monkey scrolls as an automatic buff giver, shinobi tactics ninja monkeys have a radius that gives the buff to ninja monkeys nearby without the worry of throwing a scroll. *I may add the other scrolls back if I manage to make them more fun to use.*
3. new upgrades for ninja monkey, introducing the Sai & Katana upgrades & smoke bomb ability. Huds are made for these as well.
Sai: stab in front of you using a Sai popping two layers to the target bloon! costs $100
Katana: swing your katana from right to left dealing 3 layers onto 7 bloons in one swing! can pop lead in a single slice and deals great damage to all other bloons! costs $800
Crouching Monkey/Smoke Bomb: hold reload for 2 seconds to gain access to a super fast movement option and be immune to damage for 2 seconds. costs $1000
Shadow Clone: Press zoom and a shadow clone of yourself will fight bloons for a short amount of time all of your abilities are applied to him as well. But has a long cooldown. costs $2000

Platformer mod: "Moving platforms"
1. MM5's rotating platform implemented, I also added the functionality of snake blocks from the proto castle stages I just need to make a proper snake block actor.

1. started working on a video: Vclasses shenanigans 4

Plans for next week? I want to get a video done for the upcoming week but keep working on the ninja monkey as I feel like I've found something that will make him really fun to play as, you're fast but fragile so why not have more tools and options to escape danger if you ever get caught?

Now I just need to get the huds for the rest of the ninja monkey upgrades, make more shadow clones as they get stronger depending on your upgrades. And finally work on the flash bomb & sticky bomb reworks cause they really need one!
September. 3, 2024, 6:00 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Hey Cobra here, I know it's early for a mod news but I do want to show off what I want the attack animations to look like in the release of CobrasBloonsMod V2. So far dart monkey, glue gunner & sniper monkey huds are finished so all that remains are:
Boomerang monkey
mortar monkey (still thinking about if the hud really even needs an animation change...)
Super monkey (Saving for last for a good reason!)
Ninja monkey

So I'm working on the ninja monkey huds, after he is done I'll be doing boomerang monkey! I won't be getting both of them done in the same week also the idle hand for the ninja monkey is an old frame that needs to be replaced.

I like the top one more as it's a smoother animation while the bottom one is more simple, tell me what you think?
September. 1, 2024, 3:15 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake)) Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 1/9/2024 "Fixing up a stage select & many things for bloons mod!"

Bloons mod: "sprites & doing a few things"
1. sprites were made for top path glue gunner charge attack "Glue grenade"
2. Now the shop has the same UI upgrade icon your current weapon has. (before it would show a no upgrades UI icon, no matter what upade you were at)
3. super monkey's **tech terror** ability properly one-shots all bloons from red all the way to a BFB & DDT, while the Anti-bloon's version one-shots ZOMGs and takes out half of a BAD's health in one go. Still need to make the FX for the explosion but that'll come when I have the other monkeys done as I'm saving the super monkey for last.
4. dart monkey fanclub ability touched up, now it uses a powerup as a timer (15 second duration) and has a cooldown of (3000tics / 85.7 seconds, half the time with purple pow)
5. boomerang monkey buff: upgrades bionic boomerang/030, turbo charge 040, & perma charge 050, default rangs do MOABSHREDDER damagetype allowing them to hit moab-class bloons more often. Perma charge gains +2 damage to all rangs & +4 to ability rangs (another +4 damage can be added with hot rangs.)
6. new damage types: "MOABSHREDDERTwoLayer" has the same perks of MOABSHREDDER but pops two bloon layers on contact, and vice versa for these ones "MOABSHREDDERThreeLayer" "MOABSHREDDERSevenLayer" "MOABSHREDDERTenLayer".

Platformer mod: "Stage select upgrades"
1. stage select now has a camera zoom in animation when you boot it up.
2. Wily stages can be selected if "Platformer_WilyStagesActive" is set to 1 but it currently has no use other than being another stage select.
3. power stone didn't remove the right ammo so that was fixed.
4. fixed an issue where Bass would lose his air jump if he interacted with a ladder.

Plans for next week? I feel like doing the bloons mod more at the moment, I have plans for new reworks to the ninja monkey's middle path to make it fun. Other than that I have a few class huds left. So I'm either doing boomerang monkey or ninja monkey huds & additional code this week.

I also worked on making the shop look a little better, I know that V1 didn't have a proper shop and this may be the first time some people have seen the new shop. This one allows you to easily scroll through the shop to what you want, and some monkeys can buy additional things like banana farms.

I'm thinking of giving the ninja monkey unique shop items like how the dart monkey has banana farms, since the sniper monkey got great upgrades and the same goes for the mortar monkey, I need to make the other monkeys feel different from each other and feel good to play.
August. 25, 2024, 3:16 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 25/8/2024 "Bloons mod small class changes & nice huds"

Bloons mod: "Fortified bloons + variants, neat huds & new additions"
1. Super monkey wep animations improved but firing speed nerfed by 1 frame. Applies for:

2. Super monkey flight now has dust effects when close to the ground.
3. Implemented new mortar monkey skins:
040, 050, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005

4. new dart monkey huds made!
003, 004 & 005,
All dart monkey weapon huds are done now!
5. dart monkey weapons (Crossbow, sharpshooter & crossbow champion) animations improved with new huds. While fixing two weapons that didn't have new huds applied to it's abilities (super fan club & plasma fan club)
6. Moab cripple-500Sniper now applies a x2 damage debuff to all moab class bloons for 5 seconds.
7. bloons mod has a new class select! pick one of the class icons, click it and press left or right once and join game!
8. super monkey health buffed by 10!
9. Ninja & glue default UI's head icon updated!
10. plans of having more in ninja monkey's shop, a few new weapons would be nice wouldn't it?
11. all lead bloon variants made! also sharp attacks can damage lead bloons but it takes 5 hits to break that layer with that damage type.
12. all purple bloon variants made!

Plans for next week? Either I work on the bloons mod or the platformer mod, mod works will be slowed down as I'm busy IRL.
August. 18, 2024, 4:31 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 18/8/2024 "Bloons mod stuff, thats it"

Bloons mod: "Fortified bloons + variants"
1. Made and implemented sprites for Fortified bloons + all versions including glue fames
2. made and implemented glue frames for camo bloons
3. made fortified regrow bloons
4. made fortified camo bloons
5. made fortified camo regrow bloons
6. Implemented new mortar monkey skins:
000-200, 300, 400, 500, 010-020, 030,

Plans for next week? Nothing planned, just do whatever I got time for.

This week was very lazy, just a bunch of demotivating stuff happening all week.
August. 11, 2024, 3:57 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 11/8/2024 "Proper revive for bloons & the other two MM5 weapons for platformer"

Bloons mod: "Fully functional revive script!"
1. A proper revive script has been implemented, thank you Theophile for showing me this pile of code. Now one of the main issues in the mod should now be fixed! Now I can ditch the old revive script that made the regen charm overpowered! Yipee!
2. Super monkeys can pop leads but it takes multiple hits without plasma.
3. Moab class bloons don't have immunity frames if hit by MOABSHREDDER damage type

Platformer mod: "Star crash gyro attack & more neat additions!"
1. new weapon: Star Crash! create a shield of stars around yourself and throw them forward if it didn't get hit.
2. new weapon: Gyro Attack! throw a razor sharp propeller blade forward with the ability to redirect it's direction while in flight (up, down & forward)
3. fixed a spaz animation of holding left/right while mid-air as Bass and Alric.
4. Alric has new sounds for his abilities
5. New enemy, Rock/bomb thrown! It sits in place until it sees you, when it sees you it will start lobbing bombs or rocks depending on what version you are fighting against:
Rock: throws a rock that deals 3 points of damage on contact
Bomb: throws a bomb that explodes on contact dealing 2 damage
They can only see what is ahead of them so use that to your advantage!
6. fixed an issue that would prevent players from moving after respawning, this bug happened again for no reason?

Plans for next week? more mod work, either on the platformer mod, possibly aiming to start work on the first stage of the MM5 cycle. or on the bloons mod working on monkey weapon HUDs & other additions. It should take me longer than a week to get a stage done for the platformer mod I'd assume it may take a month or longer before I'm satisfied with it, while the HUDs are time-consuming but can be done in a week.
August. 4, 2024, 5:27 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 4/8/2024 "Utilities & neat weapons for the platformer mod & dart HUD fixes"

Bloons mod: "hud updates and small additions"
1. Updated dart monkey's hud to show more arm in animations. (000 to 003)

Platformer mod: "Power stone, gravity hold & much more"
1. New weapon: Power stone! summon 3 stones that spiral outward. Able to hit multiple targets and moves through terrain.
2. New weapon: Gravity hold! Increase or flip the gravity of all enemies ignoring Armor, destroying them in a large area! (Gravity hold affects enemies that don't have a gravity hold immunity, "I plan for many bosses & enemies to have the immunity, meanwhile bosses that are affected will do some damage & partially/completely alter patterns")
3. E-tanks, W-tanks & M-tanks now exist in the platformer mod!
"E-tanks work on all classes, Alric has health upgrades that can increase his max health, E-tanks account for these upgrades and heals to that upgrade's max health."
"W & M-tanks are only usable by Megaman & Bass at the moment."

4. Alric's class code got updated "Alric now has immunity frames like everyone else"
5. Alric is the first to get a new animation on the player setup screen!

1. n/a

Plans for next week? Some Bloons mod HUDs & two platformer mod weapons.

Not just etanks, but all tanks glow! E-tanks glow cyan colour, W-tanks glow a reddish-pink colour, and M-tanks glow yellow!
July. 28, 2024, 3:51 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake)) Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 28/7/2024 "I didn't do much this week"

Bloons mod: "Sniper UI clean up"
1. Slightly cleaned up sniper monkey UI for all weapons

Platformer mod: "More weapons"
1. New weapon: Crystal Eye! Fire a big crystal that splits into 3 small bouncy crystals on contact with terrain.
2. New weapon: Charge kick! slide through enemies and deal damage!
3. added SBARs to mm5 weapons, all the weapons still need balance adjustments,

1. published video "How to make MM8BDM weapons part1"

Plans for next week? A lot more work on the platformer mod, And no video to do this week! I'll be able to do a whole lot more mod work without worrying about a video deadline.

One point while I wasn't paying attention, there was a bug with the crystal eye that would multiply itself by three on each bounce, it was easy to fix but was funny to see.
July. 21, 2024, 7:02 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 21/7/2024 "Sniper monkey gets neat changes & more"

Bloons mod: "Fixing bugs & big quality of life changes to the sniper monkey!"
1. sniper monkey scope has 4 stages and does not have an aim limitation anymore
2. Boomerang, glue, sniper, mortar, super & ninja monkey shop HUDS adjusted to not have the sell bar on top of the upgrade name.
3. Fixed a bug of, *breathes in*, a fortified-camo-regrow-ceramic bloon having the ability to phase through all projectiles except for explosives. *what a mouthful*
4. new super monkey skins:
Super range 020superMonkey
Ultra Vision 002superMonkey

5. All sniper monkey weapon HUDs updated!
6. Sniper monkey weapons now have scoped & unscoped firing animations.
7. Sniper monkey weapons have been optimized reducing file size by more than 30%!
8. New sniper monkey zoom level icons, ranging from a calm monkey to a really focused killer.

Platformer mod: "more animations"
1. Bass class animations improved to have midair & ground animations

Tower defence prototype: "Voxels & updating map paths"
1. added a new voxels to a tower type
2. experimented with enemy paths

1. Made plans to make a video for next week, "How to make mods for MM8BDM in slade!" just covering the basics for this one.

Plans for next week? More work on bloons mod & platformer mod, and I plan to make a video during the week as well.

For those I don't have access to my mod works on discord here are what the new sniper weapon HUDs look like.

I really focused my energy on the sniper monkey in the bloons mod for this week, he feels better to play now but I still need to do some balancing that will be done when all the monkey weapon HUDs are done.
July. 14, 2024, 6:59 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake)) Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 14/7/2024 "Quite the amount of additions"

Bloons mod: "Fixing issues"
1. Fixed an exploit where the regen charm can grant immortality thanks to the "crippled" state, now the charm checks for this state and disables itself while in this state now.
2. Slightly compressed all classes file sizes.
3. fixed a few bloons that couldn't use AUTOPICKUP

Platformer mod: "New class, new weapons & stage select upgrade"
1. Bass class added, with his raging bass buster being aim able in 8 directions!
2. Discovered a bug to the bass buster that wouldn't allow you to aim to the left if you fired to the right and vice versa. Now you can fire in all 8 directions no matter what direction you are facing or which direction you started firing!
3. Improvements to the stage select making it more customisable, the extra stages "metal man & Sky area" are moved to another stage select that you can access by pressing down by The "Mr X symbol".
4. New weapon: Water wave! Create 3 waves of water that move along the floor.
5. Adjustments to gaining copyweps, now only these classes (Megaman & Bass) currently have access to these weapons meanwhile everyone else gets nothing at the moment.
6. All copy weapons now accounts for what class uses them (Megaman can slide using these while Bass does his dash.)
7. New weapon: Napalm Bomb! Throw a small bouncy bomb dealing 3 damage in a small radius, Can be aimed up to throw higher but with less horizontal velocity or aimed down for a really fast floor rolling bomb with no vertical velocity, **Think fast chucklenuts!**.

1. Looked in my folder of old scrapped mods and dug one out that I thought would be really interesting to work on again. The name? **CobrasKRTowerDefencePrototype**. It's unique but I never really got it to work before, but now I may be able to make it work.
2. CobrasKRTowerDefencePrototype: Enemy pathfinding works & lives lost system works as well.

Plans for next week? More work on bloons mod.

Images for this week:
Stage select is still in the works

there is a second a stage select here, but this one is for bonus levels.
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