Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch Forum
Modernized Soundpack

Mario123311 • August. 13, 2024, 6:18 PM
August. 13, 2024, 6:24 PM (Edited by Mario123311)
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Started this project way back in 2020 but never publicly released it until now. It all started because a lot of mods and maps for MM8BDM back in the day weren't using proper 8-bit sound effects or music. However this was also made because I wanted to make a mockup for my own ideal sound identity for Mega Man, having a bias for MM8's "squeaky anime" sound effects but also Smash Bros's sound design with the mixture of chiptunes and modern foley.
This is free to use and still isn't entirely finished yet, but I'm more than willing to take feedback or suggestions. The only bit of code this modifies other than the SNDINFO currently is a secondary set of DECORATE actors to give the health and weapon energy pickups their own distinct sounds.
Most of the sounds are taken from various non 8-bit Mega Man games (X series included) and Smash Bros but I also did use some other sources.
August. 23, 2024, 6:30 PM
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Nearly ready for a V2 update, felt like showing off some new sounds I whipped up. Something I wish I could do is give certain chargable weapons different charging sounds; Sadly, that dosen't seem to be possible, despite there being an unused sound for charging the Junk Shield particularly.
January. 27, 2025, 3:23 AM
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First update, Been busy with other things ATM but V2 is finally released. Any feedback would be appreciated if possible.