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Alpha prepares for a brawl!
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Alpha prepares for a brawl!
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August. 15, 2024, 5:58 PM Modernized Soundpack
Now this is better.
August. 10, 2024, 9:32 AM Muted and unable to chat
update: you just need to to reinstall doomseeker to fix it for anyone else with this issue
August. 7, 2024, 9:53 PM (Edited by Kayecks) Muted and unable to chat
guess i gotta reinstall zandronum
August. 5, 2024, 7:30 PM Muted and unable to chat
Trillster said:
If you're playing on MM8BDM V6B, the option in the menus is the following:
Settings > UI Settings > Message Settings > Show Messages

TheBaguette gave the location of the option in V6A I assume.

The thing is, that option is already checked (on) so I'm not sure what could be causing me to be muted.
August. 5, 2024, 2:10 PM Muted and unable to chat
TheBaguette said:
You can toggle chat by going into the settings menu, and selecting “Message Options”. From there, toggle chat should be a switch to flip. (At least i think that’s how it works)

Unfortunately, that option isn't there. Do you know of anyone else with this problem?
August. 5, 2024, 1:26 PM Muted and unable to chat
Trillster said:
If you mean the text chat, I'd check that you haven't accidentally disabled viewing chat by pressing F8, since that's the default key to toggle chat.

Whenever I press F8 it brings up the project menu for multiple displays. Is there another key that is binded for toggling chat?
August. 5, 2024, 11:52 AM How do you add mods for online play?
Trillster said:
I'm not sure how you got that doomseeker folder. Did you just make a new one and put those files into there?

If you did, that's not what I instructed to do. There should already be a doomseeker folder in your MM8BDM folder, you just need to enable viewing hidden files and folders to see it since it is hidden by default. Reread my previous post and refer to the images.

I didnt make that folder though, ill just reinstall and try to find the folder
August. 5, 2024, 10:39 AM (Edited by Kayecks) Muted and unable to chat
A couple of hours ago I was playing on my own server and then suddenly I could'nt speak, nothing appeared when i tried talking, I cant talk on any servers now and Im confused of how to fix it
August. 4, 2024, 11:51 PM How do you add mods for online play?
Trillster said:
A majority of servers run on alpha versions of Zandronum, meaning that the version of Zandronum that Doomseeker will use for multiplayer (and by proxy the skin folder that it'll pull files from) is further in Doomseeker's folders compared to the copy of Zandronum used for offline play.

The Doomseeker folder is hidden by default to prevent people from accidentally breaking their MM8BDM installation, but it can be revealed by enabling viewing hidden files.

Once you enable this, you'll see a doomseeker server in the directory. Open that, then open the .static folder, then the plugins folder, and then the zandronum folder. You should see something like below, open whatever the latest Zandronum folder you see is.

It's inside of this folder that you'll wanna create a skins folder to place client-sided (skins, music packs, etc.) mods inside of.

Note that any files in the skins folder are actually loaded before the files designated by the server config are. This means if you're trying to autoload files to replace hit sounds or frag sounds, the sounds will be loaded before the file that implements them, causing your sounds to get overridden by the default sound, meaning they won't work. This isn't the case for more typical addons such as skins, music packs, or announcers.

For the types of mods affected by this issue, people typically get around it by disabling Doomseeker's file integrity checks (shown below) then modifying their copies of whichever relevant PK3s to have the sounds or sprites that they want, but be careful, because changing even one wrong file can cause that file to be invalid for connecting to the server. In that case, you'll be required to delete and redownload the file to connect, so proceed at your own risk.

i dont see the foloder wtf
July. 26, 2024, 1:39 PM How do you add mods for online play?
ThéophileCaceres said:
Put them in your skins folder, it should load everything inside after server configs.

That's the problem, it wont load them.
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