This map pack originated in 2014 or so when I wanted to get into mapping.
I was known as "Lego" back then. Hence, LegoPack.
Some of these maps are pretty old, but they were made around the time of the game beginning a "mapping renaissance" of sorts. Jam started soon after.
In general, these maps are better for small-scale play. Usually between 2 and 6 players are ideal for pretty much all of these.
LEG01 - Shining Skyline Overlooking the bustling city of New Metropolis, this colorful highrise houses aggressive close quarters confrontation. LEG02 - Timeless Glade A large tree accents this edge of a miraculous forest. This adaptable wood changes color in response to the local regions fickle weather. The treetops within the area lead to a high amount of vertical combat.
LEG03 - Celestial Bastion Levitating above the clouds lay a ruin of a past people. Once a chapel of ancients seeking the power of gods, they were extinguished by unforeseen disaster. The inner sanctum lays wide open while the outer gardens are tightly packed.
LEG04 - Somewhere In Time These compact halls once served lords and ladies of a blessed land, sanctioned from their world by a massive rift in the space between worlds. This castle's highest tower, along with a very confused dragon, now call the space above our skies home.
LEG05 - Cold Fusion Nestled in the frigid north is a nuclear power complex abandoned only a few moons ago. Its internal coolant pools, exposed to the elements, have frozen over. These conditions have resulted in the open hallways becoming exceedingly slick.
LEG06 - Contamination Buried deep below a bustling city lay a sewer maintained only on a functional level. Refuse pours down from pipes to flow through drains to inevitably reach a treatment facility. Rats and bugs and other gross things call these caverns home.
LEG07 - Arrival In ancient times, a landing of beings beyond the skies brought water and nourishment to a land of desolation. Humans flourished around the land. Inspired, they took to erecting a golden city in honor of their saviors.
LEG08 - Off The Grid NEO-Reality, the next-gen simulation program built to create and capture experiences unmatched through any other form. Disconnected from all forms of communication, the world within hungers for knowledge to complete its own form.
LEG09 - Precipice of the King A horizon of magma provides the perfect view for a villain awaiting a challenge from a pesky plumber. These brick corridors and an interconnected courtyard provides the backdrop for the climax of adventures to come.
LEG10 - Countdown Geothermal energy is an uncommon power source, but this underground lab has found a use for the limitless power the planet itself seems to provide. Magma and metal come together to provide infinite power to a planet destroying doomsday device.
LEG11 - Creatures The base of operations for an insideous organization creating strange beasts in this freaky facility. Cramped and dangerous confrontations await here.
LEG12 - Believe A luxuriously tall shrine dedicated to a guardian spirit. Use the spectral doorways to access the upper level in this chaotic single-room stage!
Latest Changelog
-v2b -> v2c-
This version is mostly just a brush-up to modernize the tech used, and add two maps that've been on the shelf for a while. All the maps are compatible with v6b now. Important: Please run this pack on v6b servers only. This map pack version doesn't add anything new aside from two maps that already existed in SweatPack, and ThePits.pk3 does not retroactively add things like v6b's elemental interaction triggers or teleport spawn hooks. Those rely on v6b infrastructure and mod-side implementation. The two new maps added are ports of LEGX01 and LEGX02 from SweatPack, so you can just run that pack to see those (highly experimental) maps.
Tl;dr you can run my pack in v6a with ThePits.pk3, but you will miss out on some things. Those will be listed in the detailed changes.
General: Things every map had done.
Map cards now use a centralized script as opposed to individual calls. This makes them easier to maintain.
Updated creator name on the map cards.
All maps with pits now use the Damage Pit thing, introduced in v6b. (Compatible with ThePits.pk3.)
Location callouts added to all maps in the pack.
Map Vote previews added to all maps in the pack.
All bounce pads now use vanilla's bounce pad thrusters and graphic effect handlers.
Added a new boss theme and victory theme. Shuffled around which maps get which boss and victory themes, as it tradition in Jam.
Custom teleport graphics used on LEG02, LEG03, LEG04, and LEG08 has a unique sound effect. (v6b only)
LEG02 - Timeless Glade Really just tech tweaks.
Map season choice algorithm changed:
If this is the first time the map is loaded on this server, choose a random season.
When the map is unloaded, choose the next season.
This is so you don't end up with one season in the countdown of LMS, and then the next season when the actual round plays.
Map now uses the "map_teleportfog" script for the teleport effects. (v6b only)
Team Spawns moved: Light spawns in the corner and Wily spawns in the cliffs north of the bridge.
LEG03 - Celestial Bastion
Map now uses the "map_teleportfog" script for the teleport effects. (v6b only)
LEG04 - Somewhere In Time
Map now uses the "map_teleportfog" script for the teleport effects. (v6b only)
LEG06 - Contamination
Waterfalls now use v6b MM10PUM's waterfall effect for fast falling. (Compatible with ThePits.pk3.)
LEG08 - Off the Grid
Map now uses the "map_teleportfog" script for the teleport effects. (v6b only)
LEG09 - Precipice of the King
Torches now utilize "PropBlower", "Soakify", and "Ignition" damagetypes instead of specific weapon damagetypes. This bars the map's easter egg to v6b, but futureproofs it.
Added a throne to the center room to support its callout.
LEG11 - Creatures A map experimenting with tight spaces and fall-through floors. This biotech research facility is home to a legion of freakish monsters, living, dead, and something in-between. With its tight corridors, difficult jumps, litany of shortcuts, and lack of breathing room, this facility is an ideal space for deft one-on-one encounters. For larger matches, well... three's a crowd, after all.
New map (A port of SweatPack's LEGX01)
Added some details to the walls of some rooms for better callouts.
Redone weapon set to better fit the intended experiment.
LEG12 - Believe A map experimenting with open space, teleporters, and a very large room. This shrine was created prior to v6a, but it never got a proper spotlight. Hopefully this will be its opportunity.
New map (A port of SweatPack's LEGX02)
Super Adapter -> Break Dash
How to Host
This map set works out of the box with MM8BDM-v6b. MM8BDM-v6a
While not recommended, you can host with MM8BDM-v6a. Make sure to include the latest version of ThePits pk3. Map Codes