MM8BDM Forum

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October. 4, 2024, 2:57 AM Russel's sprites I guess
Hey. I made a weapon for the judge pool in Inspired BURST! You can check the release post for that here.

Anyway, I figured people might wanna use the sword sprites I made. Here ya go!
Blur sprites not included. Feel free to edit these however you wish, or use them directly in your projects! Credit appreciated.

I figured I would also demystify my process a little bit while I'm here.
I collect prop toys for purposes of making sprites like this, take photos of them, and then trace over them using Aseprite's reference layer option.
Then I do some cleanup and adjustments to make the thing look more like it's supposed to.
After that, I put the sprites into this handy template I made that shows where the boundaries of the screen are, and use Aseprite to position them.
Note these templates are built for the .25x scale that most vanilla weapons use. If you sprite at a different scale for huds, you'll need to scale the template accordingly. A "full size" version is also included below, though.

(buster version)

("full size" version for doom or other scaled stuff)

Then I just animate them. Smear frames are a pretty easy way to give your weapons good feel, just don't hold them too long or it'll look uncanny.
I can't really give tips on the principles of animation LOL, if you're doing this as a hobby you kinda gotta learn what feels good as you go.

Anyway, check back here for more ifever I release more (non-commercial) projects.
v1e release
June. 7, 2024, 3:49 PM Which are the color codes?
Makaibros said:
here's the image

This had a screenshot of the forum, so here's that, and the color codes thing specifically.

Spark said:
Somewhat unrelated but just in case people ask how to change their player colors

Not really relevant to name color text codes. It's only really useful for modders, but I'll relink it all the same for completion.
June. 9, 2024, 3:31 PM (Edited by Russel) [Patches] v6b MiscFixes - Bug Fixes for v6b! (v2)
v6b MiscFixes (v2)
Patch for MM8BDM v6b
Because there are just some problems that just can't wait for a new release

Download (TSPG)

What's This Do?
It fixes some bugs.

What Bugs It Fix?
Glad you asked.

Idk how to screenshot the lack of bugs, so here's the VC icons.

Modding Notes
We had to change some files to get these fixes in. The spoiler has a detailed report of everything replaced and why.

How to Host

What happened to v1?
I'm sure he's fine.

v6b WeapFixes (v1)
Patch for MM8BDM v6b

Presently this just fixes vanilla weapons use of the "core_player" property stacker scripts to use ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult instead of ACS_NamedExecuteAlways. This helps clean up some interactions with other items.
This would be rolled into miscfixes wad, but I figure weapon files are ripe for replacement by some mods that would want to add special functionality to CopyWeps.

Download (TSPG)

Replaced Files
The Pits
Mod for v6a by Russel

The Pits is a lightweight mod built to sort of "bridge the gap" between v6a and v6b. By running this wad before v6b-compatible map packs, you can run them in v6a.
Wow! Talk about convenient.
Now you can play all your v6a mods with the latest map packs!

Download (TSPG)



if you want these features, update your mod to v6b.
or, implement them yourself... technically nothing stopping you at this point.

This was a known issue. I updated the top post with the critical issues being tracked.
Weapon Remover
Mod by Russel for MM8BDM v6b
Proofread by Trill

neither do i and i made, like, 90% of it

Gravity Hold got you down?
Mirror Buster killing you and your family while also serving as its own defense attourney?
Metal Blade eating your entire supply of cheese?
Time Stopper?

Download (TSPG)


Don't like empty space? HERE'S HOW YOU REPLACE JUNK:

All this works with CUSTOM STUFF TOO!

None of this info saves to the ini, so you'll need to make sure they're set on every server run!
(They're set under TSPG's "Additional Parameters")

Known Issues
June. 19, 2024, 3:56 PM (Edited by Russel) Roboenza Frenzy! - A Classic Zombies Mod (v1e)
Roboenza Frenzy!
Mod by Russel for MM8BDM version 6b

It's been a few weeks since Channel 7 News broadcasted the crashed carrier drone in New Metropolis, the news itself carrying with it an emergency order to shut down all robots, warning of infection from an unknown virus.

And yet, you still remain.

Can you protect your community from infection? Or, will it tear itself apart in a frenzy?

Roboenza Frenzy is a zombie infection mode akin to those present in other shooter games. Every round, someone is infected with Roboenza! Once infected, you lose the ability to use standard weapons, are forced to use your bear hands to fight. Your goal as a survivor is to defeat all the infected players. Your goal as an infected is to spread the infection to all survivors. But hurry! Infected players decay quickly!

Download v1e (TSPG)
Track this mod's development on GitHub!


Settings (Client)

Settings (Server)

How to Host



Known Issues
These are being tracked in the GitHub (linked at the top) but I'll copy the more severe issues here for convenience, and give them snappy names so they're easy to remember.
June. 4, 2024, 2:22 PM (Edited by Russel) IX Pack - A Classic Map Pack (LATEST: v1h)
IX Pack
An old map set by Ivory and Squadaloo (the artist formerly known as Mr. X), remastered for MM8BDM v6b!

Experience the star of the early 2010s mapping scene, now fully compatible with the latest version of Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch!
Download Here! (TSPG)

This version came with a host of changes to bring the pack up to the modern core standard, as well as a few map updates previously exclusive to SweatPack, giving it some new content in addition to bringing full compatibility with with MM8BDM v6b, and with ThePits v1d.

Included Maps

Modding Considerations
IX-Pack messes with a few things that you should be aware of if you plan to make a mod that does any of the following

Music Replacements

W-Tank functionality

How to Host
June. 1, 2024, 6:45 PM (Edited by Russel) PK3 Reorder - Automatic Map Pack Reorganization
PK3 Reorder
MM8BDM version 6b changed the file structure to match the ZDoom preferred standard. Swapping to it is technically optional, but the developer of Zandronum and the administrators of server clusters like TSPG have been adamant that modders should be using the new structure because it saves on resources.

You can read about all the details on the file structure in question off of the MM8BDM Wiki.

Because MM8BDM has over 100 maps, I didn't want to move to this structure by hand... so, using Thunderono's WADParser library, I made a program to do it for me.

PK3Reorder automates most of the process of updating a map pack to the new file structure standard set out by ZDoom.

Download: Google Drive

How to use:
  1. Download above file, extract all into a folder
  2. Run PK3Reorder.exe
  3. The program will open a command prompt window and request a file. Give it the filename.
  4. Wait for the program to finish.
  5. Check the output. The program will tell you what it could not properly transfer, but it is important to double check to make sure it did not mangle anything along the way.
  6. Clean up whatever the program didn't catch. Again, the MM8BDM Wiki has a guide on how to do this.



Requirements & Disclaimers:
System requirements: Windows system with .NET Framework 6.0. This program has not been tested on 32-bit machines.
File requirements: UDMF maps only. If you're converting files from any other format, the program will not work for it.

Because it is easier to handle files when they are exposed to the file system, part of the process involves unzipping the pk3 and re-zipping it into a new file. This may result in some changes to the resulting pk3, such as file ordering.

Fail states: