Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch Forum

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February. 21, 2025, 1:59 PM (Edited by Russel) Russel's Mapping Utils
Updated the google drive link to actually be downloadable. Sorry about that!
January. 26, 2025, 8:01 PM Russel's Mapping Utils
Shortcut Scripts

There's a bunch of little random rules mappers have had to keep track of over the years.
Sometimes ladders are sticky so they're hard to stop climbing, sometimes actors will just turn matte black under 3D floors, sometimes you might forget software mode exists at all and your texture offsets are all messed up.

That's a small list of things these are hoping to fix.

So you need Ultimate Doom Builder. If you can't run it, you're SOL. Sorry.

Download the scripts here.

Open a map in UDB, on the right side panel find this "Scripts" tab and hover over it.

Right click on Examples and click "Open in Explorer."

Once Explorer opens, go back one folder so you are in the "Scripts" folder.

Extract here.

Return to UDB and you should now see these scripts available in the Scripts tab.

Available Scripts
Now that your scripts are installed, you can run them as you wish.
Keep in mind that scripts can do anything you can do manually, so be wary of running scripts that sound dangerous. When running the scripts from this set, most of them only do small tweaks, but always check the output to make sure they performed the actions you wanted them to and nothing more.

By running these scripts, you take responsibility for any output they produce. It is recommended you back up your map before running scripts that make significant changes.

To run a script, go to the Scripts tab, click the script you wish to run, make sure the parameters are set as you want them, and then click run.

UDB Scripts always count as an action in UDB's history, so you can just press ctrl-z if you don't like the results.

Quick Fixes
  • Create pitprotect lines - Adds monster block lines around pits.
  • Find bad spawns - Marks any spawns with a comment stating its issues. Also checks the counts for all of the spawn types to make sure the map fits the standard. (32 DM/16 for red & blue teams/8 for green & gold teams/player 1-8 starts)
  • Fix lighting overflow - Finds and fixes all sectors with lighting higher than 255 to fix an open gl bug where lighting can overflow to 0.
  • Fix negative offsets - Removes negative offsets from all textures in the map to fix a bug in software where negative offsets appear incorrectly.
  • Join identical sectors - Script that locates all sectors with the same properties and joins them so the game treats those sectors as the same. This script may have unforeseen consequences. Script should be run towards the end of map development and may cause issues such as SECTINFO clashing.
  • Remove sidedef offsets - Sidedef offsets are usually found in older maps, but they are added to the texture offsets of a line and can make offsetting textures on mass a little more difficult. This script adds the existing sidedef offsets to the texture offsets and sets the sidedef offsets to 0.
  • Standardize ladders - Makes sure all ladders in the map are the same and can only be triggered from the front. Also detects ladders that could be accessed from incorrect locations.

  • Highlight in-bounds sectors.
  • Highlight out of bounds sectors.
  • Highlight Sectors with callouts.
  • Highlight Sectors with pits.
January. 26, 2025, 5:48 PM Where i can find this mod?
That is Mega Man Single Player.
It is not available for the latest version of the game, however. You'd need to run it with MM8BDM v5.

Here's the latest one I can find

I have not tested this set up at all, but you would want to go into the launcher, under configuration set the MM8BDM PK3 Path to this wad, and then add the mmspsin pk3 as a mod in the Play tab.
No guarantees any of this will function though, as this mod is super old.

Also, for future reference, linking discord images on the forum is a bad idea. They will stop working after a day or so.
This map pack originated in 2014 or so when I wanted to get into mapping.
I was known as "Lego" back then. Hence, LegoPack.
Some of these maps are pretty old, but they were made around the time of the game beginning a "mapping renaissance" of sorts. Jam started soon after.

In general, these maps are better for small-scale play. Usually between 2 and 6 players are ideal for pretty much all of these.

Download Here! (TSPG)
Included Maps

Latest Changelog
-v2b -> v2c-

How to Host

Criticisms are always welcome, thank you for trying my pack and all the support I've received so far!
October. 4, 2024, 2:57 AM Russel's sprites I guess
Hey. I made a weapon for the judge pool in Inspired BURST! You can check the release post for that here.

Anyway, I figured people might wanna use the sword sprites I made. Here ya go!
Blur sprites not included. Feel free to edit these however you wish, or use them directly in your projects! Credit appreciated.

I figured I would also demystify my process a little bit while I'm here.
I collect prop toys for purposes of making sprites like this, take photos of them, and then trace over them using Aseprite's reference layer option.
Then I do some cleanup and adjustments to make the thing look more like it's supposed to.
After that, I put the sprites into this handy template I made that shows where the boundaries of the screen are, and use Aseprite to position them.
Note these templates are built for the .25x scale that most vanilla weapons use. If you sprite at a different scale for huds, you'll need to scale the template accordingly. A "full size" version is also included below, though.

(buster version)

("full size" version for doom or other scaled stuff)

Then I just animate them. Smear frames are a pretty easy way to give your weapons good feel, just don't hold them too long or it'll look uncanny.
I can't really give tips on the principles of animation LOL, if you're doing this as a hobby you kinda gotta learn what feels good as you go.

Anyway, check back here for more ifever I release more (non-commercial) projects.
v1e release
June. 7, 2024, 3:49 PM Which are the color codes?
Makaibros said:
here's the image

This had a screenshot of the forum, so here's that, and the color codes thing specifically.

Spark said:
Somewhat unrelated but just in case people ask how to change their player colors

Not really relevant to name color text codes. It's only really useful for modders, but I'll relink it all the same for completion.
June. 9, 2024, 3:31 PM (Edited by Russel) [Patches] v6b MiscFixes - Bug Fixes for v6b! (v2)
v6b MiscFixes (v2)
Patch for MM8BDM v6b
Because there are just some problems that just can't wait for a new release

Download (TSPG)

What's This Do?
It fixes some bugs.

What Bugs It Fix?
Glad you asked.

Idk how to screenshot the lack of bugs, so here's the VC icons.

Modding Notes
We had to change some files to get these fixes in. The spoiler has a detailed report of everything replaced and why.

How to Host

What happened to v1?
I'm sure he's fine.

v6b WeapFixes (v1)
Patch for MM8BDM v6b

Presently this just fixes vanilla weapons use of the "core_player" property stacker scripts to use ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult instead of ACS_NamedExecuteAlways. This helps clean up some interactions with other items.
This would be rolled into miscfixes wad, but I figure weapon files are ripe for replacement by some mods that would want to add special functionality to CopyWeps.

Download (TSPG)

Replaced Files
The Pits
Mod for v6a by Russel

The Pits is a lightweight mod built to sort of "bridge the gap" between v6a and v6b. By running this wad before v6b-compatible map packs, you can run them in v6a.
Wow! Talk about convenient.
Now you can play all your v6a mods with the latest map packs!

Download (TSPG)



if you want these features, update your mod to v6b.
or, implement them yourself... technically nothing stopping you at this point.

This was a known issue. I updated the top post with the critical issues being tracked.
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