MM8BDM Forum

Project Thread Guidelines
Trillster • June. 21, 2024, 1:12 PM
Trillster Administrator
what's a code
what's a code
June. 28, 2024, 8:18 PM (Edited by Trillster) Copy Link
Project Thread Guidelines

In lieu of a formal project submission process, all we ask is that you follow these suggested guidelines below. If your thread breaks too many of these guidelines, we may ask you to make adjustments to it.

Show, Don't Tell
People enjoy seeing projects much more than reading about them. Including screenshots or even videos in your thread makes it more appealing and better encourages people to give your project a shot.

Give Credits
If your project contains the work of others, please provide a list of credits in the project and / or thread. It's just the right thing to do, simple as that.

Discord =/= Storage
Don't use Discord as a storage location! If you use media embed links from Discord in your project threads, you will quickly see broken images and download links. Discord's media links expire after a certain amount of time, so they're not a good fit for forums. If you need to serve an image in your thread, Imgur is a tried and true staple.

Download Links
Making sure that your project is readily accessible goes a long way, so please keep an up-to-date download link in your project thread. Do not obscure download links behind Discord servers or anything of that sort. We personally recommend uploading your PK3 and WAD files to The Sentinel's Playground. This is the service most commonly used for hosting servers, so by uploading your files here, you make it easier for people to play using your projects.

Version Your Files
Whenever naming your project's files, add a version suffix such as "v1" or "v1a" then increment it for each new version after. Versioning your files helps people to know whenever your projects have been updated and helps server clusters such as TSPG differentiate different versions of projects.

Hosting / Playing Instructions
If your project has a more complicated load order, such as requiring multiple files in a specific order or requiring a specific map rotation, it can be helpful to provide instructions on how to get its load order right. Even further, you may want to consider providing and maintaining a server configuration that people can use to host servers more easily.

Modding Documentation
If your project makes use of DoomED numbers, ClassBase slots, CustomBar slots, translation IDs, etc, we ask that you please mirror your project to the wiki's Mod List. This is a spot where modders can document any information about their project that may cause it to conflict with other projects. By documenting this information, you make it easier for people to make compatible content!