MM8BDM Forum

Trillster Administrator
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July. 3, 2024, 8:08 PM Jacob’s Skin Collection
Do not use media URLs from Discord, they're set to expire after a certain amount of time. Some of your images have already expired again. Use a proper image hosting service such as Imgur.
June. 22, 2024, 10:50 PM (Edited by Trillster) Ghouls vs Humans Arcade

Ghouls vs Humans Arcade is an asymmetrical team-based class mod designed for TLMS and inspired by CutmanMike's original Ghouls vs Humans Doom mod.

In this mode, the human team is tasked with surviving the ghoul onslaught using any means necessary while the ghoul team looks to wipe out all humans before daybreak hits. The original gameplay is kept intact while twisted just enough to better fit into MM8BDM's environment, so fans of both games can find enjoyment in this iteration. Additionally, this mod is compatible with all of MM8BDM's weapon and map addons!



Download v3a Here!
June. 28, 2024, 8:18 PM (Edited by Trillster) Project Thread Guidelines
Project Thread Guidelines

In lieu of a formal project submission process, all we ask is that you follow these suggested guidelines below. If your thread breaks too many of these guidelines, we may ask you to make adjustments to it.

Show, Don't Tell
People enjoy seeing projects much more than reading about them. Including screenshots or even videos in your thread makes it more appealing and better encourages people to give your project a shot.

Give Credits
If your project contains the work of others, please provide a list of credits in the project and / or thread. It's just the right thing to do, simple as that.

Discord =/= Storage
Don't use Discord as a storage location! If you use media embed links from Discord in your project threads, you will quickly see broken images and download links. Discord's media links expire after a certain amount of time, so they're not a good fit for forums. If you need to serve an image in your thread, Imgur is a tried and true staple.

Download Links
Making sure that your project is readily accessible goes a long way, so please keep an up-to-date download link in your project thread. Do not obscure download links behind Discord servers or anything of that sort. We personally recommend uploading your PK3 and WAD files to The Sentinel's Playground. This is the service most commonly used for hosting servers, so by uploading your files here, you make it easier for people to play using your projects.

Version Your Files
Whenever naming your project's files, add a version suffix such as "v1" or "v1a" then increment it for each new version after. Versioning your files helps people to know whenever your projects have been updated and helps server clusters such as TSPG differentiate different versions of projects.

Hosting / Playing Instructions
If your project has a more complicated load order, such as requiring multiple files in a specific order or requiring a specific map rotation, it can be helpful to provide instructions on how to get its load order right. Even further, you may want to consider providing and maintaining a server configuration that people can use to host servers more easily.

Modding Documentation
If your project makes use of DoomED numbers, ClassBase slots, CustomBar slots, translation IDs, etc, we ask that you please mirror your project to the wiki's Mod List. This is a spot where modders can document any information about their project that may cause it to conflict with other projects. By documenting this information, you make it easier for people to make compatible content!
June. 19, 2024, 1:10 PM (Edited by Trillster) Medal Guide
Medal Guide

Medals are back with a refreshed purpose! In an effort to make medals less restricted to few time events, we've retired a portion of the previous medals and introduced a new, generally attainable set of medals in lieu of them.

To help our administrators out, for any medal requests, please reach out through this Google form. Note that medals will not be awarded for events that never existed on the forums and will only be awarded for projects that currently exist on the forums and are compatible with at least MM8BDM V5.

MM8BDM Contributor Medals
Awarded for having donated to keep our website running.
MM8BDM V1 Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to MM8BDM V1.
MM8BDM V2 Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to MM8BDM V2.
MM8BDM V3 Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to MM8BDM V3.
MM8BDM V4 Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to MM8BDM V4.
MM8BDM V5 Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to MM8BDM V5.
MM8BDM V6 Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to MM8BDM V6.

Event Medals
Awarded for hosting 3 planned, successful events (tournaments, collabs, etc.).
Awarded each time you win a mapping competition.
Architect (Runner-Up)
Awarded each time you place second or third in a mapping competition.
Awarded each time you win a weapon / class making making competition.
Blacksmith (Runner-Up)
Awarded each time you place second or third in a weapon / class making competition.
Awarded each time you win an art competition.
Artist (Runner-Up)
Awarded each time you place second or third in an art competition.
Awarded each time you win a tournament.
Fighter (Runner-Up)
Awarded each time you place second or third in a tournament.
Awarded each time you win a competition featuring non-traditional types of play.
Competitor (Runner-Up)
Awarded each time you place second or third in a competition featuring non-traditional types of play.
Awarded each time you rank first on either of Duel Hub's monthly leaderboards.
Awarded each time you participate in a "for fun" event (collabs, event servers, etc.).

Expansion Medals
To encourage the creation of expansions (weapon, map, and skin pack combos) which can benefit all modes of play, contributors to an expansion will be rewarded with a unique medal upon that expansion's final completion.

Rockman No Constancy Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to the Rockman No Constancy expansion.
Mega Man Rock Force Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to the Mega Man Rock Force expansion.
DOS Reborn Contributor
Awarded for having contributed to the DOS Reborn expansion.

Content Creation Medals
Awarded upon having released 5 good faith effort* maps across any project.
Awarded upon having released 8 good faith effort* weapons across any project.
Awarded upon having released 8 good faith effort* skins across any project.
Awarded for contributing to a good faith effort* classes project.
Awarded for contributing to a good faith effort* gameplay conversion project.
Awarded upon having released 3 good faith effort* miscellaneous addons.

*Whether a piece of content qualifies as a good faith effort will be determined by our administrators upon reviewing your medal request. Generally speaking, we won't be too strict on this so long as your work has care and effort put into it and it's not just medal fishing attempts.
June. 18, 2024, 8:30 PM MEGA MAN ROCK FORCE (V3)


Fight in various modes on all 20 stages of Mega Man Rock Force in these arena takes on the stages.

Download Map Pack!

Fight as your favorite robot masters from Rock Force with this skin pack that can be put into your "skins" folder for use on any server!

Download Skin Pack!

Rock Force's weapons are updated and compatible with Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch V6B! They can appear when using randomized weapons, when playing with LMS loadouts, and even in the Training Mode! Additionally, you can use these weapons alongside the MMRF map pack without randomized pickups for the true weapon and item layouts.

Download Weapon Pack!

Expansion originally led by Maxine and crew. These files and this thread have been updated with care by outside maintainers to keep the spirit of the expansion alive. All credits can be found in the files.
June. 18, 2024, 8:11 PM Rockman No Constancy (v4)

Rockman No Constancy

Rockman No Constancy is a Mega Man 2 ROM Hack created by IKA originally in 2007 (as you can see above)! It features 8 new weapons and new tilesets for all the robot masters and Wily. This is an expansion for the hack, using its tilesets to create new maps and recreating the weaponry as separate packs that can be loaded together for a full experience.

Experience the stages of Rockman No Constancy in everyone's favorite FPS format! Includes map previews for my Map Voting addon.

Download Map Pack!

Fight as the visually changed Rockman No Constancy robot masters with this skin pack that can be put into your "skins" folder for use on any server!

Download Skin Pack!

The classic RNC weapons, compatible with Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch V6B! They can appear when using randomized weapons, when playing with LMS loadouts, and even in the Training Mode! Additionally, you can use these weapons alongside the RNC map pack without randomized pickups for the true weapon and item layouts, including all the RNC styled pickups.

Download Weapon Pack!

Combine all of the files above alongside the campaign file below to unlock a brand new single-player chapter! Play through the RNC story in Deathmatch format with a few twists, including a custom boss fight to finish it out.

Download Campaign!

This expansion was originally led by Maxine and crew. These files and this thread have been updated with care by outside maintainers to keep the spirit of the expansion alive.
June. 15, 2024, 11:55 PM Cutstuff Archive
As alluded to in Cutstuff's initial shutdown announcement, the official archive download is now here! Within the download below, you'll find a record of all threads that were public at the time of Cutstuff's closure in text format. Note that all post times are in GMT time zone.

In the interest of keeping this new site a fresh start with mostly up to date content, I'd like to ask that people don't use this archive to indiscriminately mirror old forum posts.

While the post format is purposefully similar, it isn't exactly the same, so many posts may not look right when directly copied over. Additionally, Cutstuff suffered rampant link rot (broken Discord / MediaFire links), so many older threads simply won't have useful downloads whenever mirrored.

My exception to this is for any content creators / maintainers who have relatively up to date mods. If using this archive helps you get your projects mirrored to this new forum sooner, then by all means go ahead. I'd just again recommend that you preview the thread to make sure it looks and downloads right when transferred over.

As a final note, some of the archive's older posts may contain unsavory or inappropriate content, some of which might be considered harassment today. Please keep in mind that the people who have made these posts will have moved on and many of them have grown past the more abrasive tendencies demonstrated by some of these posts.

Just because something was posted on the old forums does not mean it is appropriate to do or say here.

Download Cutstuff Archive Here!
June. 12, 2024, 10:25 PM forum time zone
You can now modify your time zone alongside the other user profile settings.
June. 10, 2024, 7:38 PM A New Look
Laggy Blazko said:
Is there any "view unread posts" function here? I can't find it.

Just pretend this button always existed, thanks.

The video above is only applicable to MM8BDM v6a servers / offline play which are running the following file:

The option to bind a push to talk button can also be found in the Customize Controls menu's Multiplayer Interaction section, so there's no need to run a console command to bind it.

For these menus and options to be available in MM8BDM v6b, the following file must be loaded:

MM8BDM v6c will fix the menus to properly include these voice chat menus and options.
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