MM8BDM Forum

Mega Man ODOS: A Retro Redux! (Expansion)
Magnet Dood • June. 1, 2024, 11:29 PM
Magnet Dood Administrator
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
Good to have you on the bad side, Mega Man.
June. 1, 2024, 11:43 PM (Edited by Magnet Dood) Copy Link


A Retro Redux!

We're in Hi-Tech Heaven!

This thread will serve as the main hub for a new project I've been cooking up over the past year. As many people know, I was the head of the Mega Man: DOS Reborn expansion that came out a while ago, putting a whole new spin on the DOS1 & 3 games for MM8BDM. (And yes, I will make a new thread for that one soon.) Totally new designs for Robot Masters, new stages, new weapons, custom props, all that jazz. It was a lot of fun to work on, and a smashing success.

However, I've always had a soft spot for making an expansion for the DOS games that, while still spiffied up, stayed just a bit truer to the source material. That's what ODOS is meant to provide- fresh concepts and graphics for the robot masters, weapons, stages, and props, but ones that stay closer to the DOS games we know and love(?).

10 new maps, 9 new skins, and 9 new weapons are planned for expansion, and a first release will include all content for the three masters from DOS1! If anyone's interested in mapping for the project, feel free to let me know; I'll be getting new tiles on a piecemeal basis from someone and can provide them to you eventually.

Looking forward to sharing it with you all soon!

Hello it's Medal, the Metallic Eye. ║ Doing videos and drawings for the memes. ║ Yet not getting closer to attaining Eternity.
Hello it's Medal, the Metallic Eye. ║ Doing videos and drawings for the memes. ║ Yet not getting closer to attaining Eternity.
June. 1, 2024, 11:37 PM Copy Link
Fresh! Sure is ambitious.

June. 1, 2024, 11:38 PM Copy Link
I intend on chipping in for Torch Man's stage in the second release of this project. Rooting for a successful first release!
June. 2, 2024, 12:13 AM Copy Link
I love the look of the maps, the idea of having a expansion based on the og will be interesting to see

Wonder if the intro stage will have a map
Avg. chiptune composer ·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ 🅴 ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
Avg. chiptune composer ·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ 🅴 ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
June. 2, 2024, 12:25 AM Copy Link
If you need some help with the music, Here I am n.n/
Longtime Casual player of the game and hoping to try my hand at skin and bot making whenever I have the energy for it.
Longtime Casual player of the game and hoping to try my hand at skin and bot making whenever I have the energy for it.
June. 3, 2024, 2:02 PM Copy Link
I love and still have the Reborn expansion stuff! (And I'm hoping it becomes available here too soon) But I love the prospects of this too! All the redesigns of the DOS crew are fun, but it's equally important to pay tribute to the originals and I look forward to both releases.