MM8BDM Forum

How big is gondola ACTUALLY
Moriya • June. 1, 2024, 10:48 PM
Nmd.Trooper from the real rambutribe
Nmd.Trooper from the real rambutribe
June. 1, 2024, 10:48 PM Copy Link
Hello 8bdm forum,pretty earlier to do this. But i wanted to ask this since a long time. How big is the gondola community? How many people that play 8bdm also dedicated to gondola. How big is the % in comparison to the 8bdm community in general?
June. 1, 2024, 11:09 PM Copy Link
I'd say that a very large size, if not almost all of the active playerbase of this game shifted from vanilla to modded 8BDM a looooooong time ago. This includes class mods, boss mods, and plenty other different mods.

The playersize is also rather small, doesn't go above 100 players at any given time, maybe I've seen at most 35 to 40 players at once recently, regularily 25 to 32 to at least cap out the Gond CBM server.
Argumentative Apparition
Argumentative Apparition
June. 1, 2024, 11:11 PM (Edited by Meyyit) Copy Link
That does depend on how we define "The Gondola community", no?
For example, do we include people who play on public servers very often, people who partake in Gondola discussion often, lurkers or people who only occasionally jump into a Gondola server?
How would you define it for the question?
Gangular worms crawl underneath the street beef. We eat meat, gangy.
Gangular worms crawl underneath the street beef. We eat meat, gangy.
June. 1, 2024, 11:14 PM (Edited by Pr. Fly) Copy Link
Good question, honestly. That question in relation to the larger community is hard to answer because not everyone in the Gondola discord plays Gondola, and not everyone in the 8BDM discord plays 8BDM at all. I can, however, give you a rough estimate of the size of the competitive playerbase.

In the Gondola server alone, 181 people have the 'Priv' role that is used to notify people of public priv games, something I would consider the entry level to entering the competitive scene due to the low stakes and relatively relaxed emphasis on winning or losing compared to scrims or Catalyst Series. However, 64 people signed up for Catalyst Series S2 last year (which, might I add, makes it the largest competitive event in the history of the game) with effectively the same update as the one we have right now, barring GOND FM changes. If you want my personal rough estimate, some average between the two, a bit under a hundred players, comprises the competitive community as of autumn of last year.

As for the casual community? that is far harder to properly pinpoint, but I would wager that, given Gondola receiving an average of 24-28 players during peak playercount hours (3 PM - 10 PM) with everyone having an hour playtime per day, I would argue that around 200-250 players comprise of the general pool of overall players. This is all purely hypothetical but given that there are around a thousand people on the discord server, a quarter of them playing seems to be a generous average for how big the Gondola playerbase is.

Now, could be a lot smaller, could even be bigger on some days, but I think that given how active Gondola is compared to the rest of the community (not to mention a bigger 'emphasis' on community compared to other class mods with its own injokes and culture compared to say... V-Classes or Bot Apoc) it's not completely unreasonable to assume that around 200 people comprise of what I would consider the regular Gondola community.
Argumentative Apparition
Argumentative Apparition
June. 1, 2024, 11:14 PM Copy Link
A bit too generous, no?
Does the estimate take into account regulars who are around most days/many hours?
Perhaps not much lower, but I do feel like 200 people seems high, even for a hypothetical.
Gangular worms crawl underneath the street beef. We eat meat, gangy.
Gangular worms crawl underneath the street beef. We eat meat, gangy.
June. 1, 2024, 11:17 PM Copy Link
Meyyit said:
A bit too generous, no?

Most likely, lol. But understand that some people play casually that often don't get recognized (due to not speaking English or at all) or noticed when people think of 'regular' Gondola players. I would imagine the actual number to be a bit closer to Musashi's estimates, but I wanted to try and include more factors to try and give a more encompassing size of Gondola's community that includes the looser ends that play semi-frequently but don't talk or interact much with the larger scene.