MM8BDM Forum

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September. 27, 2024, 2:04 PM (Edited by MusashiAA) What are some underrated/forgotten MM8BDM Mods?
Nobody's talking about Spring Cleaning (edit: oh wait never mind dood mentioned it lets gooo), an attempt at recreating Prop Hunt in 8BDM, but it was incredibly fun when it happened, and honestly something no one in the community really thought to try at the time. And its understandable that no one's talking about it, given the context surrounding its creator, I wish someone would recreate the mod concept tho it was fun
September. 22, 2024, 6:21 PM The Nano Tower
!👑! ☭ Angelius ☭ !👑! said:

Alright, I'll clear things up:

In the distant past, I provided that sound effect, originally called DARKSTEP.wav, to CBM for Darkman 1's step sound. It would later be used by MM8BDM with my consent. The actual source of the sound effect is most likely some other NES game I ripped it from ages ago, and maybe edited a bit or not, memory is fuzzy as it happened way too long ago.

I'm personally not too attached or worried about its actual sourcing and authorship, as generally I'm pretty lax on the sound contributions I've made and how they're used: you may choose to credit me or not, I generally don't care, this is what I tell people often when asked about permission to use my stuff. Just asking me for permission and acknowledging that it isn't yours is more than enough for me cuz its an act of respect. And even that I cannot control or force people to do, as I have learned over the years with how people have used CBM content very liberally and often even in spite of me and the project I worked on.

Whoever provided you with content and said that they made it all, either lied to your team or provided false or incomplete information. At least in this case, they did. If you did not know the proper sourcing of this one particular and tiny example of content, it's okay. But it would be wise to not pretend to have an aggressive control over the content you use unless you've done all your homework extensively and know where you're getting things from, and from who you're getting it.

You may remove it or not, that's not something I can control. But I do suggest you at least credit the MM8BDM team for the resources that your mod uses, just as they credit me and CBM for the resources that they use from it. I think it's a matter of respect.

Please do not:

- Claim that your team made EVERYTHING they use in TNT: they did not, and they do not properly source where they got everything from and who actually made it.
- Claim that it is your "property": it is not.
- Prevent the real creators of the content used in your mod (be it your team or a third party) from having their content removed from the mod at their request, and that it will remain in "your possesion": not doing so is unfair and disrespectful.
September. 22, 2024, 3:03 PM (Edited by MusashiAA) The Nano Tower
Can you please remove MMTFTSPS.wav from this mod?

It is originally a sound effect from Class Based Modification called DARKSTEP.wav (I have been in charge of sound design for CBM for many many years), later on taken by MM8BDM (where I am credited for sound effect assistance).

I would not like to be associated with this mod either, so please remove it and find a suitable replacement for it.

Your "terms of use and agreement" within the mod's pk3 file (lol a doom mod with tos) are not legally binding, and frankly are disrespectful after taking other people's work and calling it yours, and then attempt to prevent those people from exercising their legitimate ownership over them by rejecting the right to remove them.


Not to mention your attempts at making it seem like modifying this mod's content is prohibited. Not that there's people that would want to, but it is a pretty weak and disrespectful argument to stand on. This community is based on mutual understanding and collaborative efforts, and anyone that attempts to undermine these is a rightful point of mockery, and eventually a foul legacy of what we do not want to be as a community: it's honestly not in your best interest to be preemptively close-minded and overly controlling.

I will not argue or ask further, and you may do whatever you want.
June. 16, 2024, 12:10 AM Cutstuff Archive
History is preserved no longer in the recesses of our minds.

Now we may all reexperience the community roleplay in full!
Heat Man may not be the hottest, but he sure is the boofiest.


While 8BDM mods do not require everything to be in style with the NES look, using NES sound effects goes a long way into a more cohesive experience when making content for this game. As having worked with sound effects for a long time, I think it'd be ideal if I at least make a simple thread where I highlight what I normally have done, and what I use to do so.

Simply put, there's two ways to go about it: finding an existing one from an NES game, or editing one/making one from scratch. I use NSF rips of NES videogames for scouting already existing sound effects, and an ancient modded version of Famitracker called NSFImport, which allows you to import NSF sequence data into Famitracker, and then edit it.

You may find NSF rips all over the internet, if you know where to look. My go-to choice was eventually The Wizard himself, MrNorbert1994's gigantic library of NSF rips. His work to rip/collect almost every existing rip of every NES game is monumental and unparalleled, and best of all, they come with their sound effects indexed! You may peruse this enormous library and-

Wait, you need something to play these audio files! There's a lot of different NSF players out there , some ancient and some new. Generally, I use VirtuaNSF to play them back. It's an old one, but also incredibly lightweight and simple to use. This way, you can play all these NSF files and scout for any sound effect you'd like.

Now, "ripping" them can be done in many different ways. You could record them with a different program off VirtuaNSF (the program itself even comes with its own WAV exporter). But the point here is to be able to edit them in Famitracker. Here is NSF Importer, a modded version of Famitracker 0.4.3 created by rainwarrior, with the very helpful ability to import NSF sequence data into Famitracker's environment. You must take into account the exact track number of the sound effect you want to pull out of the NSF file, the rest of the information asked doesn't really matter much. NSFImport has pattern editing off by default, so that you save the imported data as an FTM file, which can then be edited with a different versions of Famitracker.

I will not be going through a tutorial on how to actually do stuff in Famitracker. You may find some tutorials on YouTube. I will also not be teaching you how to do it the way I do, because I am not a very good teacher and this is years of eyeballing and practice that I cannot compress into a single forum posts. My hope is that, by providing people with the tools that I've used for years, anyone that's interested into getting into this will know what tools to start with.
June. 1, 2024, 11:09 PM How big is gondola ACTUALLY
I'd say that a very large size, if not almost all of the active playerbase of this game shifted from vanilla to modded 8BDM a looooooong time ago. This includes class mods, boss mods, and plenty other different mods.

The playersize is also rather small, doesn't go above 100 players at any given time, maybe I've seen at most 35 to 40 players at once recently, regularily 25 to 32 to at least cap out the Gond CBM server.
June. 1, 2024, 11:35 PM (Edited by MusashiAA) Class Based Modification (v9gh)
In the interest of preserving mod history, here are most of the changelogs from previous versions of CBM that were posted in the previous forum: link

I happened to have spent a night collecting all these from the old forums. The formatting of the changelogs is pretty newbish, but this is provided as is for future reference. These are all up to version 7c, as Celebi himself has the rest of the recent changelogs up on his Pastebin.
June. 1, 2024, 11:01 PM A New Look
Here's to ten more years of old and new people finding about this game and contributing to it.