Weapon Remover
Mod by Russel for MM8BDM v6b
Proofread by Trill
neither do i and i made, like, 90% of it
Gravity Hold got you down?
Mirror Buster killing you and your family while also serving as its own defense attourney?
Metal Blade eating your entire supply of cheese? Time Stopper?
Note: Just like with banwep, you'll need to know the actor names for both things you're switching.
Also note: You can use any actor name for this replacewep functionality. Put a prop there if you want. I won't stop you.
Replacements do not work for LMS distribution! If you don't like something, ban it!
To remove the replacement, just do "replacewep_weaponname """. Back to normal!
If you don't like any of the replacements and want them undone, use the "resetwepreplaces" command.
Items too!! Replace shit you don't like with other stuff with "replaceitem_item replacement"!
Example: "replaceitem_etank bighealth"
Keep in mind, you need to know the actual actor names of the swaps!
Command to revert item replacements is "resetitemreplaces"
All this works with CUSTOM STUFF TOO!
Custom weapons and items can be banned or replaced with the same commands! Just make sure you have a "set" before them!
"set banwep_crystalhunterwep true"
"set replacewep_pulsestopperwep frostylaserwepcm"
"set banitem_item1nc true"
"set replaceitem_crunchransnareitem rushbikeitem"
Custom weapons and items DO NOT get reset by the built-in reset commands, as scripts only have write access to CVars defined in CVARINFO.
None of this info saves to the ini, so you'll need to make sure they're set on every server run!
(They're set under TSPG's "Additional Parameters")
Known Issues
Some pickups, specifically those that give a passive upgrade like Energy Balancer, cannot be easily tied back to their pickup, which makes it difficult or impossible to fully remove if a player spawns on top of them before the system can remove them. This happens at tic 0, where no script can possibly intervene. I'll look into options another time. - It's possible this could be fixed by disabling the player's ability to pick up items on spawn and then re-add that after all the bans and replacements are run, but I still need to look into the risks involved in doing so.