MM8BDM Forum

Russel's sprites I guess
Russel • October. 4, 2024, 2:57 AM
October. 4, 2024, 2:57 AM Copy Link
Hey. I made a weapon for the judge pool in Inspired BURST! You can check the release post for that here.

Anyway, I figured people might wanna use the sword sprites I made. Here ya go!
Blur sprites not included. Feel free to edit these however you wish, or use them directly in your projects! Credit appreciated.

I figured I would also demystify my process a little bit while I'm here.
I collect prop toys for purposes of making sprites like this, take photos of them, and then trace over them using Aseprite's reference layer option.
Then I do some cleanup and adjustments to make the thing look more like it's supposed to.
After that, I put the sprites into this handy template I made that shows where the boundaries of the screen are, and use Aseprite to position them.
Note these templates are built for the .25x scale that most vanilla weapons use. If you sprite at a different scale for huds, you'll need to scale the template accordingly. A "full size" version is also included below, though.

(buster version)

("full size" version for doom or other scaled stuff)

Then I just animate them. Smear frames are a pretty easy way to give your weapons good feel, just don't hold them too long or it'll look uncanny.
I can't really give tips on the principles of animation LOL, if you're doing this as a hobby you kinda gotta learn what feels good as you go.

Anyway, check back here for more ifever I release more (non-commercial) projects.