MM8BDM Forum

PK3 Reorder - Automatic Map Pack Reorganization
Russel • June. 1, 2024, 6:35 PM
June. 1, 2024, 6:45 PM (Edited by Russel) Copy Link
PK3 Reorder
MM8BDM version 6b changed the file structure to match the ZDoom preferred standard. Swapping to it is technically optional, but the developer of Zandronum and the administrators of server clusters like TSPG have been adamant that modders should be using the new structure because it saves on resources.

You can read about all the details on the file structure in question off of the MM8BDM Wiki.

Because MM8BDM has over 100 maps, I didn't want to move to this structure by hand... so, using Thunderono's WADParser library, I made a program to do it for me.

PK3Reorder automates most of the process of updating a map pack to the new file structure standard set out by ZDoom.

Download: Google Drive

How to use:
  1. Download above file, extract all into a folder
  2. Run PK3Reorder.exe
  3. The program will open a command prompt window and request a file. Give it the filename.
  4. Wait for the program to finish.
  5. Check the output. The program will tell you what it could not properly transfer, but it is important to double check to make sure it did not mangle anything along the way.
  6. Clean up whatever the program didn't catch. Again, the MM8BDM Wiki has a guide on how to do this.



Requirements & Disclaimers:
System requirements: Windows system with .NET Framework 6.0. This program has not been tested on 32-bit machines.
File requirements: UDMF maps only. If you're converting files from any other format, the program will not work for it.

Because it is easier to handle files when they are exposed to the file system, part of the process involves unzipping the pk3 and re-zipping it into a new file. This may result in some changes to the resulting pk3, such as file ordering.

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