MM8BDM Forum

Make A Class Simulator (V1E)
Ukiyama • June. 1, 2024, 10:23 PM
September. 24, 2024, 7:28 AM (Edited by Ukiyama) Copy Link

Welcome! This is the Make a Class Simulator Mod or MACS for short! With this mod you have the capability to make a unique basic custom class within the game with no coding experience whatsoever! Fiddle with the settings to create something that you enjoy using!

Download now!

Download CBMxMACS patch here!

September. 15, 2024, 7:29 AM (Edited by Ukiyama) Copy Link
Yaaaaaaaawnn... what time is it... lets see released v1d in August... in 2023?!? Yeeaaaaah I haven't actually updated this in a little while. So lets change that! MACS v1e is now available! While not exactly the most feature filled update, I did try to aim for some of the requests that I have had over the year, like being able to pick your charge shot from all the shot type rather than being locked in, and copy weps now being able to be used with its own blend of balancing fun! For more info on whats changed, the change log up above should be now up to date. Also considering how long its been since I have updated, please be aware that your saved builds will be a bit out of wack, specifically in the sounds department due to me trying to maintain the order of those for a game by game basis, and also the damage values might be a bit up or down depending. So without further ado here is MACS V1e!

Download now!

...well now that is done. Now I can go back to slee... wait there is more? Oh yes there is. As a added bonus I am also unleashing CBMxMACS! If the name isn't obvious it allows for cbm-v9gh and macs to shake hands and play nice with one another. I was told to try and avoid eating Mega for my shenanigans, so Toast is going to head out into combat as a backup. He will basically function as the make a class stand in, which will let it be easier for people to know what stuff is about to go down. Plus he needs to work off a bonus soda or two. So enjoy playing against your favorite classes with your favorite macs builds!

Download CBMxMACS patch here!