Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch Forum

Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
El cobra(SkullSnake) • June. 2, 2024, 3:29 AM
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Making mods in my spare time
Making mods in my spare time
February. 23, 2025, 3:13 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake)) Copy Link
Weekly mod news 23/2/2025 "weapon updates, player adjustments and the fan favourite Rush appears!"

Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a

Platformer mod: "Weapon code optimization & Rush is here!"
1. All weapons got their slide code size optimized slightly reducing file size! I have a feeling no one gives a shit about this but hey! More space for other things.
2. Power stone projectiles now have a circular path instead of a diamond shaped one!
3. To balance the super powerful Power Stone I decided to reduce the distance the projectiles can travel, so it does not end up being a second screen nuke.
4. Yet more adjustments to the player controller, this time fixing an ice physics bug,
5. More touch ups to stone man's stage
6. Working on making a few new megaman sprites as the old ones don't look too good.
7. Implemented Rush coil & Rush jet! I made sure to adjust their values to try and make both of them good but not better than the other.
8. Did some camera script shenanigans.
9. Fully charged MegaBuster shots can now pierce through enemies if it kills.
10. Fixed an extremely painful ladder movement bug which allowed players to fly if they held the strafe right button.

1. Worked on a new video!

Plans for next week? I'll be making the monthly mod showcase video this week! But I'll try to fix more bugs for the platformer mod while I'm at it.
Making mods in my spare time
Making mods in my spare time
March. 2, 2025, 2:10 AM Copy Link
Weekly mod news 2/3/2025 "Polish, enemies & buffs!"

Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a

Platformer mod: "More enemies and a buff to star crash?!"
1. Made more enemies use the proper sprite when dying to GravityHold.
2. Gave Rush a smile,
3. Did some more polish on Stone man's stage and made one segment a tiny bit easier.
4. new enemy: Tondeall! That one propeller enemy from MM5 that fires two shots at once 20 degrees apart.
5. new enemy: Tatepakkan! He blocks shots from the front and fires when his enemies are close just like a met but able to withstand more damage at the cost of firing one bullet per attack and can't turn.
6. Star Crash got a buff! The shield can now block a single projectile or it can be used to hit up to 3 times on a single enemy or targets each dealing 1 damage point each star (for every melee hit, the star crash barrier loses one star). Also throwing the star crash has three levels now, the number of stars means how much it will do. 1 star = 1 damage while 3 stars = 3 damage.

1. Worked on a new video! (Vclasses Shenans 7)
2. Published Monthly mod news February 2025!

Plans for next week? I want to work on either making a better looking stage select or a new stage in the upcoming week.
Making mods in my spare time
Making mods in my spare time
March. 9, 2025, 1:02 AM Copy Link
Weekly mod news 9/3/2025 "More platformer news, this time in the crystal mines!"

Bloons mod: "N/a"
1. n/a

Platformer mod: "A lot of new enemies & the start of the shiny crystal mines!"
1. Worked on updating the stage select,
2. New enemy! Crab mine/Hirarian, these crabs cling to the ceiling until the player gets close, then they drop down and chase the player.
3. New enemy! Foojeen, this yellow vacuum robot shoots out three chunks of junk every few seconds while moving forward and turning at walls. It also hovers over spike pits! (Note you must place it above spikes or in a room between two walls & a flat floor due to it not having gravity)
4. Met pellet code optimized to be made as a base template for most enemy projectiles now!
5. I made a test map so I can thoroughly test anything I add to the mod!
6. New enemy! Bomier, these little propeller drones fly forward and drop a bomb when the player is beneath them then they fly away. "This is an enemy that needs to be spawned by **Linedefs** as it only moves forward and disappears when it hits a wall."
7. New enemy! Pukapucker, this floating head bobs up & down while following it's lower body that moves left to right on the ground. Both the head & body can be attacked but the moment the body dies the head will start bouncing around the stage!
8. Started making Crystal man's stage.
9. Crystal droppers are here and they are customizable! They can be set to drop faster & slower or have patterns, To change the patterns you must place a **CrystalDropperPM** and the TID it has will determine the pattern! So far there are a total of 10 patterns.

1. Published a new video! (Vclasses Shenans 7)

Plans for next week? My stage making mood is dying down, so I want to find something else to do so I don't experience early burnout.
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