MM8BDM Forum

[Allanx Inc] MM8BDM Coop Pack
ThéophileCaceres • June. 2, 2024, 12:02 PM
Allanx Inc Co-Owner, yuh. I also like cats.
Allanx Inc Co-Owner, yuh. I also like cats.
June. 2, 2024, 12:03 PM (Edited by ThéophileCaceres) Copy Link
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Coop Pack
Coop Pack is a resource pack for people to make coop mods out of it. Allowing you to make your own MMSP-like maps or expansions with it!
Contains Enemies, Gimmicks, Items and a few Props.

If you wanna try this out, try Coop Mania+! It's essentially a whole "exemple" mod using Coop Pack!

It includes content from the following mods:
    - MMSP
    - MMXSP
    - 2ndCoop
    - Content made by MegaVile (Wily Inc/Plan W)
    - Content from Allanx Inc mods (Coop Mania)
    - Another Mayday
    - Endless Attack
    - Original Coop Pack assets
    - V-Classes Enemy Assists
    - Comhotel (Fishing)

What else is there in this mod?

    - Modular Enemy Painstates Slots are present, this allows for your weapon packs or class mods and others to place down pain states for the monsters present in Coop Pack. Check Allanx Weps' files for an exemple of this.
    - Endless Attack's Boss Technology is present, make bosses SP's supers and super cooldown with 50%/25% health checks and Endless Attack's protection system (albeit modified), Coop Pack made Boss health print messages to show how much health the boss has.
    - MMWORLD's Screw System is included, enemies drops screws in Coop Pack which can be used for your own custom shops!
    - Ally Translucency and Checkpoints are included directly in Coop Pack, made by Trillster/Jaxof07.
    - No Boss Invul has been added, your weapons do extremely low damage to Coop Pack bosses? just add var int user_CoopPack_NoBossInvul; to any damaging actors so they don't activate their protections!
    - I believe there's even more! But I forget about stuff...

Stuff for the full v1.2 update: NOT INCLUDED IN THE MOST RECENT FILE YET
    - Megaman 8 Death Scraps are what appears upon destroying enemies! Bigger ones even drop more! Can be disabled in the menu.
    - Boss Protection slots are a companion to No Boss Invul, as they're given upon bosses getting their protection, but their protections could conflict with actors who have No Boss Invul, so now you can use your slots to add damagetypes that deals 4x damage to not be affected. Allanx Weps has an exemple of this in it's GenericRobot slot, though if you want to make one just comment it out for now until this feature gets released!


Asset List

Tutorial and Guide List
soon around here but...

In-File Guides:
    Editor Keys - actors/MMSPEnemies.txt (GenericRobot)
    No Boss Invul - acs_source/ENDLESSATTACK.ACS (CPNBIEvent)

- Coop Pack uses DoomEdNums 21000-21329. I'd suggest starting to 30000 or for decorations, do the Bomberman 8-Bit Deathmatch method of having 1 actor spawn everything via different args and stuff. THIS IS NOT MADE TO BE HOSTED WITH MAPPACKS YET!!!

v1f: the idk update (Allanx scrambled the updates blame him)
TSPG: Quick Download
Wad Info

Forum post uses Coop Pack v1.1.1 (or v1.2?) for information, the full update is not released yet.