MM8BDM Forum

Mega Man Powered Up
Hilman170499 • June. 19, 2024, 12:32 AM
Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
June. 25, 2024, 5:49 AM (Edited by Hilman170499) Copy Link

Welcome! A while back, I was given reins to this project by the original developers of the Powered Up expansion.
For the uninitiated, older versions of core MM8BDM had no content from Mega Man Powered Up. An expansion was created featuring content from that remake, and a custom campaign.

The goal here is to establish a new expansion featuring an original set of maps and campaigns. The project is currently WIP, though in the meantime, here's some relevant content to enjoy.

"Old Style"
A map pack taken from the original expansion, slightly tweaked to fit to standards established by v6b. Features 12 maps with remixed music from Mega Man Powered Up.
Download Here!

A standalone skin pack made for the original expansion. It features 14 custom skins:
-12 alternate Roll skins, based on her DLC costumes from Mega Man Powered Up.
-"FC" versions of Time Man and Oil Man.
Download Here!

Original Expansion
The original Mega Man Powered Up expansion. A full package featuring:
-13 custom skins
-2 weapons + 2 Buster upgrades
-12 custom maps
-A custom campaign
WARNING: This is an outdated mod made for older versions of the game. Glitches abound!
Download Here!
Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
June. 25, 2024, 5:50 AM (Edited by Hilman170499) Copy Link
Archive & Changelog

Note:We're still missing other, older versions of the map pack. If anyone has an archive of those older versions and the corresponding changelogs, I would appreciate getting a look at them.

Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
June. 19, 2024, 1:01 AM Copy Link
To not leave anyone hanging, here are some previews of the new project planned:
June. 19, 2024, 3:38 AM (Edited by Stardust Motion) Copy Link
Mission mode revival but it's from powered up expansion? Yes I endorse this
June. 26, 2024, 4:04 PM Copy Link
Good to see this again.