MM8BDM Forum

Double Gear Rumble
Hilman170499 • June. 10, 2024, 9:52 PM
Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
June. 10, 2024, 9:52 PM Copy Link
Unstoppable Power! Insurmountable Speed! With this installed, any robot can instantly become a hero!

This project aims to adapt the Double Gear System from Mega Man 11 into the MM8BDM scene.

Use the Power Gear and Speed Gear to give yourself an edge in combat! However, use these trump cards carefully, as prolonged use will cause them to overheat, temporarily disabling them.

Be sure to bind the Zoom and Reload inputs to use these Gears.

Download here!

Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
Video game enthusiast who does art sometimes. Hobbyist modder with way too many projects on his hands. BLUE FOR DAYS!!!
June. 10, 2024, 9:58 PM Copy Link



