MM8BDM Forum

Mega Man X1 Classes (TheBlade's Version)
TheBladeRoden • June. 1, 2024, 10:56 PM
June. 1, 2024, 10:56 PM Copy Link
Download Version 2C:

#Put in pretty pictures
#Check if it's actually compatible with the current MM8BDM version


Custom Sprite: Yes
Primary Fire: X-Buster / Charged: Fancy X Buster/ AltFire: Dash / Item: Hadouken
Special Features: Can pick up Copyweps from killed Mavericks
Boomerang Cutter
Fire: Left Boomerang / Charged: Quad Boomerangs/ AltFire: Right Boomerang
Chameleon Sting
Fire: Spread Shot / Charged: Camouflage
Electric Spark
Fire: Spark / Charge: Electric Wire
Fire Wave
Fire: Flamethrower / Charge: Fire Columns
Homing Torpedo
Fire: Torpedo / Charge: Quintuple Fish Torpedoes
Rolling Shield
Fire: A Shield of Rolling / Charge: Force Field
Storm Tornado
Fire: Tornado / Charge: Whirlwind
Shotgun Ice
Fire: Ice Shot / Charge: Ice Sled

Armored Armadillo
Custom Sprite: No
Weapon Slot 1
Fire: Head Beam / AltFire: Arm Shields
Weapon Slot 2
Fire: Rolling Shield / AltFire: Arm Shields

Boomer Kuwanger
Custom Sprite: Yes
Weapon Slot 1
Fire: Boomerang Cutter Left / AltFire: Right
Weapon Slot 2
Fire: Dead Lift / AltFire: Teleport

Chill Penguin
Custom Sprite: No
Weapon Slot 1
Fire: Shotgun Ice / AltFire: Sled
Weapon Slot 2
Fire: Ice Breath / AltFire: Blizzard

Flame Mammoth
Custom Sprite: No
Weapon Slot 1
Fire: Fire Ball / AltFire: Oil Puddle
Weapon Slot 2
Fire: Fire Wave / AltFire: Quake Jump

Launch Octopus
Custom Sprite: Yes
Weapon Slot 1
Fire: Homing Torpedo / AltFire: Missiles
Weapon Slot 2
Fire: Whirlpool Drain / AltFire: Leap

Spark Mandrill
Custom Sprite: Yes
Weapon Slot 1
Fire: Electric Spark / AltFire: Lights Out
Weapon Slot 2
Fire: Dash Punch / AltFire: Lights Out

Sting Chameleon
Custom Sprite: Yes
Weapon Slot 1
Fire: Chameleon Sting / AltFire: Wall Climb / Item: Camouflage
Weapon Slot 2
Fire: Iron Tongue / AltFire: Wall Climb / Item: Camouflage

Storm Eagle
Custom Sprite: Yes
Weapon Slot 1
Fire: Storm Tornado / Jump: Fly / AltFire: Wing Gust
Weapon Slot 2
Fire: Pipi Egg / Jump: Fly / AltFire: Dive
June. 2, 2024, 12:36 AM Copy Link
Sprites/Graphc Artists of MM8BDM.
Sprites/Graphc Artists of MM8BDM.
June. 2, 2024, 12:45 AM Copy Link
Chill Penguin skin was Finished by dimpsuu.
Sprites/Graphc Artists of MM8BDM.
Sprites/Graphc Artists of MM8BDM.
June. 2, 2024, 12:50 AM Copy Link
X-Buster/Z-Buster Shot by Hansungkee

X by Hansungkee

Zero by hansungkee

Axl by Hansungkee and JAT

Second Armor X By hansungkee and Universal Foxes