MM8BDM Forum

The pink thing is back!
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The pink thing is back!
I was and am a huge fan of Gunslingers, a simple mod Ehibika came out with way back when and Russel updated later down the line. I'm realizing I actually have no idea if it's v6b-compatible these days, but the idea is just that everyone gets the same six-shooter revolver-- shooting someone up close is an instant kill, but damage ramps down quickly over distance and rapid-firing reduces accuracy. It's really basic, but wound up being a ton of fun!

It never really took off, though-- typically a few friends and I would have a server up on TSPG for a week or so and all change to cowboy names and have a blast, but although we would get some other folks passing through the servers, they never lasted long.
June. 2, 2024, 1:54 PM REAL Pack - v1c
We're live on the new forums, which means a new thread for REAL!

The REAL Pack

REAL is a fusion between The Reef (my own map pack) and Alpacka (LlamaHombre's map pack) with an extra category thrown in for maps the two of us worked on together. With 18 maps in all, we hope you enjoy!

Grab it from TSPG or Dropbox!

Music and asset credits can be found within each pack's respective README in the main pack's pk3, as well as usage restrictions.

Thanks for playing!

June. 1, 2024, 10:18 PM A New Look
I guess this means I've gotta make new threads for realpack and the SECTINFO tool, huh? Maybe this'd be a good opportunity to dust off good ol' mirror mode, too...

and I agree where are the MEDALS how is everybody supposed to know what a BIG DEAL I am without my MEDALS