MM8BDM Forum

Reincarnation Mark 1
✦ [ZDBO] ZDoom Brasil Oficial Community Leader ✦ ✦ Watching from the top of The Nano Tower ✦
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Reincarnation Mark 1
✦ [ZDBO] ZDoom Brasil Oficial Community Leader ✦ ✦ Watching from the top of The Nano Tower ✦
September. 23, 2024, 8:36 PM (Edited by Reincarnation Mark 1) The Nano Tower
MusashiAA said:
!👑! ☭ Angelius ☭ !👑! said:

Alright, I'll clear things up:

In the distant past, I provided that sound effect, originally called DARKSTEP.wav, to CBM for Darkman 1's step sound. It would later be used by MM8BDM with my consent. The actual source of the sound effect is most likely some other NES game I ripped it from ages ago, and maybe edited a bit or not, memory is fuzzy as it happened way too long ago.

I'm personally not too attached or worried about its actual sourcing and authorship, as generally I'm pretty lax on the sound contributions I've made and how they're used: you may choose to credit me or not, I generally don't care, this is what I tell people often when asked about permission to use my stuff. Just asking me for permission and acknowledging that it isn't yours is more than enough for me cuz its an act of respect. And even that I cannot control or force people to do, as I have learned over the years with how people have used CBM content very liberally and often even in spite of me and the project I worked on.

Whoever provided you with content and said that they made it all, either lied to your team or provided false or incomplete information. At least in this case, they did. If you did not know the proper sourcing of this one particular and tiny example of content, it's okay. But it would be wise to not pretend to have an aggressive control over the content you use unless you've done all your homework extensively and know where you're getting things from, and from who you're getting it.

You may remove it or not, that's not something I can control. But I do suggest you at least credit the MM8BDM team for the resources that your mod uses, just as they credit me and CBM for the resources that they use from it. I think it's a matter of respect.

Please do not:

- Claim that your team made EVERYTHING they use in TNT: they did not, and they do not properly source where they got everything from and who actually made it.
- Claim that it is your "property": it is not.
- Prevent the real creators of the content used in your mod (be it your team or a third party) from having their content removed from the mod at their request, and that it will remain in "your possesion": not doing so is unfair and disrespectful.

Ok, i see what you are talking about, you are talking about the TANK TRACK SOUNDS right? I was confused at the time because you said MMTFTSPS which is a very equal name to other footstep sounds on the project. I'll remove those if you don't want it in, i thought you were talking about the footstep sounds Striker made for the project which is what we use for like 90% of the skins. However, i just want to say that this is technically a Patch because i took it from base MM8BDM and moved it inside the project (to define it with a different name in SNDINFO and such) your sound has been removed for test 23, this time it was absolutely my fault because i didn't notice the sound name.
September. 23, 2024, 8:29 PM (Edited by Reincarnation Mark 1) The Nano Tower
Rozark said:
After searching old DMs, it would seem that yes, you're correct. I granted you that permission three years ago (July 7th, 2021). However, that was three years ago, and with no release until now (unless I'm mistaken and it had its own thread on the old forum), I figured you would've asked again just to double check before releasing. Additionally, I granted that permission on the condition that you credit me, by name, for the original.

My name is not mentioned at all within your README or any other document that I've tried searching for.

I ended up removing everything about your text and added the same one i made for the forum thread instead since it already explains everything very well. However, i have to thank you again for allowing me to use it for all these years by the way.
September. 23, 2024, 8:26 PM (Edited by Reincarnation Mark 1) The Nano Tower
Rozark said:
If you're going to make a ToS or EULA type thing for your content, there's a few things you need to know. First, these types of documents aren't *actually* legally binding. I'm not a lawyer but there's a lot of nuance and loopholes for that stuff. If you're going to write one of these, you need to make sure it's available for people to read *BEFORE* they download it. If by somehow this thing had any chance of holding up in court (again, it doesn't), then it would be immediately thrown out because someone downloaded and accepted to your terms without even reading what they are in the first place.

Speaking of ToS, I'm flattered you decided to copy approximately 21.5% of my own agreement, of which I've included some of the more egregious examples below. Although, I shouldn't really call it that, since when I made my document I wrote it as more of a set of guidelines that, ultimately, entrusts this community with my work. You know, being fine with people sharing my work as long as they credit me (albeit written in a long-winded way), people's assets belonging to them, and just a general "I'm not responsible for your seizures". The thing is, this other 78.5% of what you've done there? It completely removes that nuance. It looks like you've only copied the parts that interested you, their outlines and corporate speak, without reading how they're used in context with everything else. This in turn makes much of what you've written, or attempt to get across, contradict itself.

"[tnt] The Nano Tower's contents (Sounds, musics, sprites, images, story, characters, etc) shouldn't be modified or used anywhere else unless told otherwise by their respective owner Angelius. Editing these resources infringes on the respective owner's rights and creative property and will not be tolerated. Contents made by members of [tntpt] The Nano Tower Projects team are property of Angelius what this means is that even if a member of [tntpt] The Nano Tower Projects Team doesn't want to participate on [tntpt] The Nano Tower Projects Team the provided content will still remain in [tntpt] The Nano Tower Projects Team and Angelius's possession."

Here, for instance, you claim that the entirety of the project's work (presumably, including your team's) belongs to its "respective" owner, which is you, and only you. This is further proven by another statement in this document:

"Only Angelius is responsible for this project meaning only him can edit this project or give permission for others to perform this action, the same also holds any right to take down any projects that uses [tnt] The Nano Tower's files, story or characters."

Additionally, if your content has no association with Megaman or 8BDM as you say it does, then it shouldn't feel the need to try and brag about its accomplishments in comparison to those communities. It should be able to stand strong on its own legs, with no support, as your claims state.

Look. This isn't my project and these aren't my rules. But, if you're going to do this sort of thing, you need to be upfront honest with your potential user base. Your terms need to make sense and you need to not contradict yourself, especially since at the time of writing, it appears as if your project still relies on part of 8BDM in order to accomplish its goal (IE: using these forums and not the doom ones).

I understand I don't "own" how I do my formatting, but generally speaking, approximately 15% to 20% of plagiarism is deemed "acceptable" before it just looks bad. In my opinion, that's even a little too high, as I would only aim for about 5% to 10%.

Hey, you are Rozark! Remember when we talked back then? I asked if i could use your project's READ-ME on mine and you said it was fine. I just changed it a bit as you can see, i believe peoples are taking this way too seriously, i didn't expect this to go like that. I am going to change the forum's thread to fit better what i mean with all of that and also the project's READ-ME file too.
September. 23, 2024, 8:22 PM (Edited by Reincarnation Mark 1) The Nano Tower
MusashiAA said:
Can you please remove MMTFTSPS.wav from this mod?

It is originally a sound effect from Class Based Modification called DARKSTEP.wav (I have been in charge of sound design for CBM for many many years), later on taken by MM8BDM (where I am credited for sound effect assistance).

I would not like to be associated with this mod either, so please remove it and find a suitable replacement for it.

Your "terms of use and agreement" within the mod's pk3 file (lol a doom mod with tos) are not legally binding, and frankly are disrespectful after taking other people's work and calling it yours, and then attempt to prevent those people from exercising their legitimate ownership over them by rejecting the right to remove them.


Not to mention your attempts at making it seem like modifying this mod's content is prohibited. Not that there's people that would want to, but it is a pretty weak and disrespectful argument to stand on. This community is based on mutual understanding and collaborative efforts, and anyone that attempts to undermine these is a rightful point of mockery, and eventually a foul legacy of what we do not want to be as a community: it's honestly not in your best interest to be preemptively close-minded and overly controlling.

I will not argue or ask further, and you may do whatever you want.

For sure, the READ-ME file inside this WAD project hasn't been modified for over 3 years since when i got permissions from a mapper named Rozark to add it into The Nano Tower. Version V10A of The Nano Tower also took 2 years to be made and i wasn't focusing that much on the READ-ME file since i make the WAD alone and was more worried with its content than anything else, i ended up forgetting about it.
September. 22, 2024, 7:51 AM (Edited by Reincarnation Mark 1) The Nano Tower
Gh said:
!👑! ☭ Angelius ☭ !👑! said:

#2 - All weapon sprites from Mega Man 1 to Gamma Mark 2 and even cut scene weapons were remade by (TNT/TNTPT) Striker, they are simply superior than their vanilla counterpart.

Comes off as pretentious.

Not so much once you consider what of "innovative" the modding community of this game has done on the past few years. The Nano Tower is meant to be different and to change perspectives which can bring new players to the game which is also something i don't see too often. MM8BDM itself is a good Doom mod that has brought a lot of new players with V6A considering it brought tons of content and innovative boss fights, but when it comes to the Multiplayer modding community, its stagnated. One good example is how so many veterans have left this game, the majority of them stating the same thing "the game doesn't change" so i did this which is different. I hope that there are some open minded peoples who will understand what i am talking about, other than that, i cannot help anyone out with that.
September. 21, 2024, 8:00 PM The Nano Tower
PinkRoboBlaster said:
I have some things that I dislike about this mod, but the major one is the fact that it FORCES you to use the run button to move at a bearable speed. I don't think it needs to be said, but NOBODY uses the run button. Please don't force it onto people.

The Nano Tower map is also pretty boring, seeing as there's like nothing to do, unless I'm missing something.

About the running button, this will probably be changed on the Test 23 version because some keyboards does not allow more than two keys being pressed at once and that is the unique reason as to why i am going to change it, the majority of major triple A games actually forces it onto people like COD, Battlefield and many more so i don't see why this would be a problem.

About the map, i guess you didn't read the thread or the help menu inside the mod, The Nano Tower is made to be a multiplayer experience as many other maps around the community also does the same. However, i can understand that the community isn't too attracted by this type of mod anymore, i am still keeping it for the nostalgia and also because The Nano Tower has some huge amounts of work put into it alongside with The Fog Guardian class.
September. 21, 2024, 5:40 PM The Nano Tower
Trillster said:
This project doesn't really qualify as a proper expansion (additional map pack + additional weapon pack + additional skin pack combo), so I've moved it to gameplay conversion.

That is all right, i am not gonna lie this is the first time i use anything forum related, way too used to Discord to do my stuff. Thanks for moving it to the proper category.

GregdotEXE said:
!👑! ☭ Angelius ☭ !👑! said:
Q: Why it isn't possible to play as The Fog Guardian in maps that aren't The Nano Tower?

The only problem with this mod is that the map pool is incorrectly too small. The Fog Guardian can easily fit on maps like MM2DW1 and should be allowed as such.

Not only because of that, its also because The Fog Guardian is way too strong and it should be only played in The Nano Tower, i believe Vanilla maps are going to be more used for other game modes.
October. 4, 2024, 6:26 PM (Edited by Reincarnation Mark 1) The Nano Tower

This particular mod only works properly with Zandronum version 3.2 and beyond, if you've downloaded MM8BDM V6B through the official site, stay advised that this bundle comes with Zandronum 3.1 which will be able to run this mod but in a completely broken way. The game will lack necessary functions that are required for the mod to work properly, you have been warned.


The Nano Tower is a project that exists since 2017, it was originally intended to bring a post apocalyptic free roam map to explore alongside with original characters and story. However, recently The Nano Tower Projects Team (TNTPT) had the idea to change this project to make things a little bit more realistic while maintaining the 8-bit aesthetic of the game while also adapting it for competitive play in all game modes. Check below a list of things that got added, changed and that certainly makes a difference on the experience:


Check out some images about what was described on the "about" section, of course, this isn't all that has on this project so it is highly recommended to play it in order to experience what it really is:


Are you interested on The Nano Tower? If yes, then we are pretty sure you want to know more about this original story finally clearing out what this is all about. Please, stay in mind that this story is incomplete, there are a whole lot of things that has to be added in order to make a more complex universe, those things already exists and they are already written but not implemented. So, expect this to be bigger.


Below we will be answering some common questions about The Nano Tower project while trying to pass on a little bit of knowledge about some things.


Please, if you plan on downloading, playing or doing anything else with this particular project, it is highly recommended that you check this before doing so. We don't want troubles with anyone or cause problems to anyone.


Before downloading The Nano Tower, stay in mind that like anything else in life its prone to have problems, principally considering it was mostly made by a single person. Check below what got fixed on the test versions and what didn't got fixed but have all of TNTPT's attention. Feel free to report issues here on the forum page or on the contact methods below so we can fix them, fixed issues will be marked like this


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TNTPT: Thank you for playing The Nano Tower project and reading that thread until here, always expect us to be different and trying different and risky ways for the sake of innovation. Have fun!

The Nano Tower © 2017 (TNTPT) The Nano Tower Projects Team.