Now with the thread creation out of the way, I didn't put any links for downloads up so far as I am actually looking to release v3 in the next week or two, v2h is on TSPG still for now.
I also will likely hold off on a DM only release until there are at least 5 or 6 maps for it.
What is Recreation? A community map pack that all the maps in are from other games, remade for 8bdm.
Requirements are simple, the map featured should be at least recognizable as the map, and saying what the map is and what game it is from. For Version 3 >Click Here< (Link Coming soon) (Latest released version is Recreation-MP_v2h on TSPG)
Changelog Version 3a
>SECTINFO for all maps
>New Map: RECTF11 - Buried City from Gundam Evolution, by FGG
>New Map: REDM02 - VR Spaceship based on Battle Rule 1 from Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2, by FGG
>New Map: REDM03 - Lassic's Tower based on Battle Rule 4 from Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2, by FGG
Featured Maps
RECTF01 - The Duel from Star Wars Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, by FGG
A simple battle for the flag takes place in this training room
RECTF02 - Garrison-21X from Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, by FGG
Winding hallways stretch over this corridor, beware attacks above and use the Mega Ball to quickly change your path
RECTF03 - Temple Tournament from Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, by FGG
Two temples in the sand await, beware the curse of Wily traveling through the winding tunnels
RECTF04 - Slag Base from Turok Evolution, by FGG
RECTF05 - The Watchman of the Coast from Overwatch, by CutmanMike
There ain't no angry monkeys in this city, but there is something on a raging path of destruction
RECTF06 - Lijiang Tower Control Center from Overwatch, by Trillster
Steal the data from the tower and hold onto it until extraction
RECTF07 - Nehpet's Towers from Turok Evolution, by FGG
The lower catwalk offers better protection between the towers, ride the tornados to scale the walls
RECTF08 - Longest from Halo, by Trillster
Get the bomb, rush through the enemy defensive line, and slam dunk it right into the enemy base
RECTF09 - Push from Team Fortress Classic, by Bass44
This, is a bucket
RECTF10 - Port Base (Sunset) and RECTF10B - Port Base from Gundam Battle Operation 2, by FGG
The time of day effects the tide of this map, and somehow the position of the bases, don't question it. Not to be confused with the FFF version High Tide
RECTF11 - Buried City from Gundam Evolution, by FGG
Claim the center area and assault the enemy base!
REDM01 - VR Temple, based on Battle Rule 2 from Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2, by FGG
Battle in this small training simulator
REDM02 - VR Spaceship based on Battle Rule 1 from Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2, by FGG
This training simulator features different gravitational fields, beware how this will affect your weapons
REDM03 - Lassic's Tower based on Battle Rule 4 from Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2, by FGG
Avenge your father and defeat the Dark Falz
REDM04 - Symphony City based on Tatooine City from Star Wars: Jedi Academy by FGG
The bots you are looking for are assaulting this city, don't let them overwhelm you