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El cobra(SkullSnake)
Making mods in my spare time
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El cobra(SkullSnake)
Making mods in my spare time
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July. 28, 2024, 3:51 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake)) Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 28/7/2024 "I didn't do much this week"

Bloons mod: "Sniper UI clean up"
1. Slightly cleaned up sniper monkey UI for all weapons

Platformer mod: "More weapons"
1. New weapon: Crystal Eye! Fire a big crystal that splits into 3 small bouncy crystals on contact with terrain.
2. New weapon: Charge kick! slide through enemies and deal damage!
3. added SBARs to mm5 weapons, all the weapons still need balance adjustments,

1. published video "How to make MM8BDM weapons part1"

Plans for next week? A lot more work on the platformer mod, And no video to do this week! I'll be able to do a whole lot more mod work without worrying about a video deadline.

One point while I wasn't paying attention, there was a bug with the crystal eye that would multiply itself by three on each bounce, it was easy to fix but was funny to see.
July. 21, 2024, 7:02 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 21/7/2024 "Sniper monkey gets neat changes & more"

Bloons mod: "Fixing bugs & big quality of life changes to the sniper monkey!"
1. sniper monkey scope has 4 stages and does not have an aim limitation anymore
2. Boomerang, glue, sniper, mortar, super & ninja monkey shop HUDS adjusted to not have the sell bar on top of the upgrade name.
3. Fixed a bug of, *breathes in*, a fortified-camo-regrow-ceramic bloon having the ability to phase through all projectiles except for explosives. *what a mouthful*
4. new super monkey skins:
Super range 020superMonkey
Ultra Vision 002superMonkey

5. All sniper monkey weapon HUDs updated!
6. Sniper monkey weapons now have scoped & unscoped firing animations.
7. Sniper monkey weapons have been optimized reducing file size by more than 30%!
8. New sniper monkey zoom level icons, ranging from a calm monkey to a really focused killer.

Platformer mod: "more animations"
1. Bass class animations improved to have midair & ground animations

Tower defence prototype: "Voxels & updating map paths"
1. added a new voxels to a tower type
2. experimented with enemy paths

1. Made plans to make a video for next week, "How to make mods for MM8BDM in slade!" just covering the basics for this one.

Plans for next week? More work on bloons mod & platformer mod, and I plan to make a video during the week as well.

For those I don't have access to my mod works on discord here are what the new sniper weapon HUDs look like.

I really focused my energy on the sniper monkey in the bloons mod for this week, he feels better to play now but I still need to do some balancing that will be done when all the monkey weapon HUDs are done.
July. 14, 2024, 6:59 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake)) Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 14/7/2024 "Quite the amount of additions"

Bloons mod: "Fixing issues"
1. Fixed an exploit where the regen charm can grant immortality thanks to the "crippled" state, now the charm checks for this state and disables itself while in this state now.
2. Slightly compressed all classes file sizes.
3. fixed a few bloons that couldn't use AUTOPICKUP

Platformer mod: "New class, new weapons & stage select upgrade"
1. Bass class added, with his raging bass buster being aim able in 8 directions!
2. Discovered a bug to the bass buster that wouldn't allow you to aim to the left if you fired to the right and vice versa. Now you can fire in all 8 directions no matter what direction you are facing or which direction you started firing!
3. Improvements to the stage select making it more customisable, the extra stages "metal man & Sky area" are moved to another stage select that you can access by pressing down by The "Mr X symbol".
4. New weapon: Water wave! Create 3 waves of water that move along the floor.
5. Adjustments to gaining copyweps, now only these classes (Megaman & Bass) currently have access to these weapons meanwhile everyone else gets nothing at the moment.
6. All copy weapons now accounts for what class uses them (Megaman can slide using these while Bass does his dash.)
7. New weapon: Napalm Bomb! Throw a small bouncy bomb dealing 3 damage in a small radius, Can be aimed up to throw higher but with less horizontal velocity or aimed down for a really fast floor rolling bomb with no vertical velocity, **Think fast chucklenuts!**.

1. Looked in my folder of old scrapped mods and dug one out that I thought would be really interesting to work on again. The name? **CobrasKRTowerDefencePrototype**. It's unique but I never really got it to work before, but now I may be able to make it work.
2. CobrasKRTowerDefencePrototype: Enemy pathfinding works & lives lost system works as well.

Plans for next week? More work on bloons mod.

Images for this week:
Stage select is still in the works

there is a second a stage select here, but this one is for bonus levels.
July. 7, 2024, 2:51 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Weekly mod news 7/7/2024 "Many platformer additions and small adjustments"

Bloons mod: "Fixing up missing skins & new exit texts"
1. updated & added more exit messages to add a few more unique ones.
2. New sniper monkey skins added:
Night Vision Goggles
Shrapnel Shot
Bouncing Bullet
Supply Drop
Elite Sniper

3. Updated sniper to display middle-path & bottom-path weapon skins

Platformer mod: "Fixing issues seen within the test & new things!"
1. Nerfed telly spawners by 1 second in Sky area stage (hard level) and restricted where they can go.
2. Made new animations for Mole enemy (drill in & drill out)
3. Mole enemy adjustments, moles have a full second of drilling before they can start harming players, added so players have a heads up of where the moles are going to appear before getting hit. Upward moles are not affected by conveyor belts on spawn. A small bug that made moles commit a slide before they finish drilling.
4. Made new enemy: octopus battery (Adhering Suzy for those who like the Japanese name) bounces between two points, either moving up & down or left & right depending on what their setting is.
5. Messed around with trying to make movement controls more smooth, still trying to get it smoother
6. Did experimental testing oriented around giving enemies barriers, fully functional!
7. Made new enemy: Shield attacker, moves between two points turning around when it gets to it's destination (either a wall or colliding with a player) blocking shots from the front. addition, you can jump off the top of a shield attacker, but it is funny to do.
8. updated & added more exit messages to add a few more unique ones.
9. new automatic player turners, getting tired of walking to a corner and then pressing up to keep going? Worry no more! As this new object turns players that are in range of it, and it comes in 4 different rotations: North, East, South, West. Diagonals are not included.

1. n/a

Plans for next week? More work on platformer mod.
On discord I have to compress my wording thanks to the word limit there but it doesn't exist here. I'm working hard on what needs to be added & adjusted to the mod for a more fun and playable online experience before I do a public test with a few levels. I don't have an estimate of when that'll be done but I think I'll have it done before December. I'll start posting weekly images of what I've worked on in the week as a fun thing to see. I would like to hear what ideas you guys may have!

So that stage select says that Metal man & Tengu man are on there but no burst man? I'll be changing the stage select to have the actual robot masters I'll use in this mod and have the others on another stage select somewhere else. I still need to polish up the hub world as it looks very ugly & basic at the moment.
July. 2, 2024, 5:41 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake)) Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Trying out a new movement controller:

This new movement controller is less laggy but I have no clue on how to make the sprites flip with this one, so I'll need to mess around with it more.

Edit: Sorry for the poor game audio, it seemed like the music I decided to use here was copyrighted.
July. 1, 2024, 9:34 PM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
I'll post a few images of how the platformer mod is looking currently.

The background bugged out when I took the photo, damn.

Newest enemy added! took 10 minutes to add em. This room needs renovations, I'll make it look better in time.

I feel like I'll get quite a bit done this week, enjoy the week everyone!
June. 30, 2024, 4:51 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
Finally, some new cobra mod news
Weekly mod news 30/6/2024 "Back to modwork!"

Bloons mod: "Fixing a price slip-up and small bugs"
1. fixed an exploit of all charms except regen being able to be grabbed for free.
2. fixed charm vendors collision, now they are non-solid so people can't cheese the mod as easily

Platformer mod: "Fix the bugs"
1. fixed camera not spawning after death, now the mod can be played in multiplayer without running into a softlock.

completed the final video early june mod testing CobrasBloonsModV2Beta

Plans for next week? To hammer work into both the bloons mod & platformer mods
June. 23, 2024, 6:07 AM (Edited by El cobra(SkullSnake)) Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
No new mod works this week 23/6/2024, I know this channel has no use if I'm not posting mod news and I can promise that I can try to get some mod news for the upcoming week. I only have one video left to complete and then I'm ack to mod works, this is the third week I've not posted mod news and I know that sounds like I'm lazy but I can say the most difficult videos are out of the way. If anyone has looked at these mod updates and waited for new mod updates I thank you for spending your time to look at my things, and I hope all of you a good week.

Now what mod will it be first to fix up? CobrasBloonsMod, or CobrasPlatformerMod? I feel like the platformer mod needs more attention but the bloons mod is closer to it's full version, I'll see what I want to do once I'm done with the video.
June. 16, 2024, 6:45 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
No mod news for this week 16/6/2024, I'm still working on videos and I'm thinking of neat ideas for both of my mods but they'll have to wait until the videos are done. If I push myself really hard this week I can get both of them done and get back to mod works, the two videos I need to finish are a test session & an experimental animation style for a video. I'm unsure how long the animation will take as it is more than 2 minutes long so don't expect it to be done in a day. Hopefully I figure out how to get both videos done in one week so I'll be back to modding. See you next week unless anyone has questions, if you got any ask away.
June. 10, 2024, 8:47 AM Cobra's MM8BDM mod updates
I should of posted saying there wasn't mod news for 9/6/2024 funny 6/9/2024 for other timezones
I'll be back to mod works either the start of next week or the week after that where I'll be fixing the issues I encountered in the platformer mod I made. I'm just working on videos that have been gathering dust for a good while.
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